| Visiting Portuguese Foreign Affairs Minister Louis Amado, said that his country backs any initiative aiming at settling the Sahara issue insisting that it is in Europe's and the international community's interest to find a solution to the three-decade old dispute opposing Morocco to the Algerian-backed separatist movement "Polisario". More... |
| Belgium Deputy Premier and Minister of Justice, Laurette Onkelinx hailed as "interesting" Morocco's proposal to grant autonomy to its southern provinces, the Sahara, as a solution to this issue. More... |
| Polisario “does not enjoy unanimity” in the Sahara said on Friday the French daily "Le Monde". More... |
| Moroccan political parties deemed that the "positive stances" of Washington, Paris and Madrid vis-à-vis Morocco's autonomy plan to solve the Sahara issue would convince the United Nations that this proposal is the unique and most realistic solution to the three-decade-old dispute with the Algerian-backed separatist movement "Polisario". More... |
| Morocco will present its plan to grant substantial autonomy to its Southern Provinces (the Sahara) to the UN Security Council on April 10, official sources announced here Monday. More... |