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Saturday, February 8, 2025
Major Event
The region of Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia-ElHamra celebrates the enthroning of HM the king

The inhabitants of Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia-El Hamra celebrated last Monday in an atmosphere of pride the 8th anniversary of the enthroning of his majesty the king Mohammed VI,

The Republic of Green Cape freezes its recognition of the Sahraoui Republic

The Republic of green cape announced its decision to freeze its recognition of the “RASD”.this decision was announced by the green Cape foreign affairs minister Mr Victor Borges.


A senate Chilean delegation meets local elected sahrawis in Laayoune

Members of an important Chilean senate delegation, who are visiting Morocco, flew last Wednesday to Laayoune.

The Moroccan autonomy gains ground by the international community (Malian daily newspaper)
The Moroccan autonomy gains ground by the international community, at the expense of the Polisario and Algeria. Writes the Malian daily newspaper “the independent”, noting that during the first round of negotiations, the Moroccan delegation presented the content and the impact of the autonomy initiative, leaving “the hand open to Algeria and polisario”
Thirteen Sahrawi families exchange new HCR-led family visit

 A new HCR-led family visit exchange was organized on Friday by the UN mission in the Sahara (MINURSO) between family members living in Morocco's Southern Provinces, The Sahara, and their relatives in the Tindouf camps, south-western Algeria.

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