|  A sit-in was organized Wednesday front of the headquarter of the United Nations in Rabat to require about the fate of Moroccans who disappeared in the Tindouf camps. The participants in this movement initiated by the national association of the family of martyrs and missing of Moroccan Sahara, have scanned slogans denouncing torture practiced at Moroccans sequestrated in the Tindouf camps, and reminding of the pursuit of the struggle so the fate of missing Moroccans will be cleared up More... |
|  The special committee in charge of Moroccan Sahara in Europe( SCCMSE) invited the Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon, who just announced proceedings against Moroccan personalities to “rather mediate” over human rights violations in the Tindouf camps, in Algeria . More... |
|  The Sahara issue was always discussed from the international point of view, whereas there are other important dimensions such as the social links which exist between the inhabitants of the Sahara and the rest of the Moroccan society that did not attract the attention that they deserve estimated Mr Cherkaoui an imminent academic and researcher in the field of sociology. More... |
|  Two Moroccans managed, on Tuesday, to flee Tindouf camps, and joined the motherland, Morocco. Mohamed Lamine Ali Salek, 27, and Ali Salek Abdelwadoud, 20, told MAP that their decision was due to the state of despair which prevails in these camps, and to the inhumane treatment inflicted by the Polisario separatists on the Sahraoui population. More... |
|  United Nations Secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, has called on the parties to the Sahara issue, Morocco and Polisario, to "enter into genuine negotiations", in his latest report on the situation concerning Western Sahara, released on Tuesday. More... |