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Saturday, February 8, 2025
Major Event
Parliament calls on UNSG to prevent Polisario from holding 'congress' in Tifariti buffer zone

 Moroccan parliament on Wednesday called upon the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, to prevent the holding, next Friday, of a so-called congress by the Algerian-backed separatist movement "Polisario" in the buffer zone of Tifariti.

Morocco considers Polisario 'congress' in Tifariti buffer zone, a 'violation' of 1991 ceasefire

Morocco has strongly denounced the holding of a so-called congress by the Algerian-backed separatist movement "Polisario" in the buffer zone of Tifariti, in the Moroccan Sahara, deeming it a "violation of the ceasefire agreements" concluded in 1991.

Arab lawyers reiterate their support to the morocanity of the Sahara
The Arab Lawyers Union (ALU) reiterated Monday night, its firm belief regarding the Moroccanity of the Sahara.
Malian newspaper strongly denounce "Polisario" decision to hold its congress in Tifariti

The Malian newspaper "Le Républicain" strongly denounced "Polisario" decision to hold its next congress in Tifariti, stressing that separatists remain faithful to their "systematic defiance" to international law. 

Complaint against Polisario officials of the Algerian army for serious violations in Tindouf
Sahrawi victims of torture, illegal detention and violations of human rights in the Tindouf camps in south-western Algeria, have decided to pursue before Spanish courts Polisario leaders and senior officers of the Algerian army, announced lawyers for victims Wednesday in Madrid. 
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