|  Moroccan parliament on Wednesday called upon the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, to prevent the holding, next Friday, of a so-called congress by the Algerian-backed separatist movement "Polisario" in the buffer zone of Tifariti. More... |
|  Morocco has strongly denounced the holding of a so-called congress by the Algerian-backed separatist movement "Polisario" in the buffer zone of Tifariti, in the Moroccan Sahara, deeming it a "violation of the ceasefire agreements" concluded in 1991. More... |
| The Arab Lawyers Union (ALU) reiterated Monday night, its firm belief regarding the Moroccanity of the Sahara. More... |
| The Malian newspaper "Le Républicain" strongly denounced "Polisario" decision to hold its next congress in Tifariti, stressing that separatists remain faithful to their "systematic defiance" to international law. More... |
| Sahrawi victims of torture, illegal detention and violations of human rights in the Tindouf camps in south-western Algeria, have decided to pursue before Spanish courts Polisario leaders and senior officers of the Algerian army, announced lawyers for victims Wednesday in Madrid. More... |