|  Nepal brings its support to the Moroccan autonomy initiative in the Sahara, and greets the chievements accomplished by the Kingdom under the leadership of his Majesty Mohammed VI, asserted the Nepal Prime Minister Mr Girija Prasad Koirala More... |
|  Morocco has shown its strong interest to the noble principles, and values concerning Ottawa convention which forbids the anti-personal landmines. Mr Mohammed Maouelainin, his majesty’s ambassador in Jordan, who led the Moroccan delegation to the eighth meeting of countries signatories of the convention, which took place in the sea-side resort of the dead sea (west of Amman) announced that Morocco “respects voluntarily the main provisions of Ottawa convention, and supports efforts done by the international community to put it into practice, with the aim to completely forbid the use of anti-personal landmines” More... |
|  The chairman of the advisory council of human rights , presided over a meeting at the headquarter of the regional council in Laayoune the launching of the distribution of medical cover cards to the victims of human rights , and to those who are concerned. More... |
|  A sit-in was organized Wednesday front of the headquarter of the United Nations in Rabat to require about the fate of Moroccans who disappeared in the Tindouf camps. The participants in this movement initiated by the national association of the family of martyrs and missing of Moroccan Sahara, have scanned slogans denouncing torture practiced at Moroccans sequestrated in the Tindouf camps, and reminding of the pursuit of the struggle so the fate of missing Moroccans will be cleared up More... |
|  The special committee in charge of Moroccan Sahara in Europe( SCCMSE) invited the Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon, who just announced proceedings against Moroccan personalities to “rather mediate” over human rights violations in the Tindouf camps, in Algeria . More... |