| Khalihenna: The Council is not autonomy
Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid was guest at the Moroccan television channel during the Spanish news on April 12, 2006, The President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs said that the Council was "a preparatory step for the proposal of autonomy that took into account the Sahara heritage"
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| The vice-chairman of the International Liberal (IL), Holland's Hans Van Baalen, has hailed as a "good proposal" Morocco's project to grant large autonomy to its Southern Provinces, the Sahara.More... |
| President of the "Association des disparus chez le 'polisario' ", Dahi Akai called on the United States to enquire with "Polisario" leadership about the disappearance of American national Josephe, aide of former UNSG Kurt Waldheim, said "Annahar Al Maghribiya" daily.More... |
| Full text and video of the speech by Mr. chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs following the conclusion of the first inaugural meeting.
(Declaration at the end of the video) More... |
| Presentation of the interviewer: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to this special meeting.The last visit of the Sovereign to the Southern Provinces was characterized by His Majesty Mohammed VI declaration, in his Royal speech, last March 25th, concerning the nomination of the CORCAS’s new members. According to this speech, the CORCAS became a strong force to make propositions to defend the national unity of the Kingdom and the development of the Southern Provinces.
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