|  The projet on a larger autonomy for the Moroccan southern provinces is "a good proposal", affirmed Jean-Claude Gaudin, Vice-Speaker of the French Senate, describing the move as "interesting" as it brings closer the various viewpoints.
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| Khalihenna: Autonomy "is not a tactic or a political maneuver"
The President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs Khalihenna Ould Errachid said on Wednesday in Paris, during a meeting with representatives of Saharan associations in France that autonomy proposal in the southern provinces is "not a political tactic to gain time." More... |
|  A delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, headed by Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid and Secretary-General Maoulainain ben Khalihenna and Council's members is expected in France on Wednesday, in the context of a working visit to present the Moroccan initiative to grant autonomy to the Sahara, and identify successful French models of self-government Overseas. .gif) More... |
|  President of the Royal Advisory Council for Sahrawi Affairs (CORCAS), Khalihenna Ould Errachid, has addressed a letter to UN chief, Kofi annan, and to the president and 15 members of the Security Council in response to a letter addressed by the Algerian permanent representative at the UN to the Secretary General following the publication of the latter's report on the Sahara.
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|  President of the Royal Consultative Council for Sahrawi Affairs (CORCAS), Khali Henna Ould Er-rachid, said the council is ready to engage in a "genuine dialogue" with all the associations backing the Polisario Front to "lay the foundations of a fruitful cooperation." Click here to read the letter
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