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Friday, July 26, 2024
Written Press
President of Senegal: Senegal's position has not changed over the Moroccan Sahara
Senegal's position on the Sahara issue "has not changed" since the time of former President Leopold Sedar Senghor, said Senegalese President Macky Sall.

Polisario’s agony "irreversible" (Canarian newspaper El Dia)
Polisario’s agony is currently an "irreversible fact", even if there are those who try to deny it, wrote Saturday Canarian newspaper "El Dia".

Spain deems "unsustainable" US proposal to expand MINURSO mandate (El Pais)
Spain deems "unsustainable" the proposal by the United States to expand (MINURSO) mandate to include human rights monitoring, said Spanish newspaper "El Pais".

Despair leads Tindouf Sahrawis to join AQIM ranks (El Pais)
Frustration that exists in the Tindouf camps (south-western Algeria) led a group of Sahrawis established in this area to join the ranks of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), said Monday the Spanish newspaper "El Pais".

African magazine devotes special section on autonomy and Corcas role in the Sahara issue
African Caucus: the solution lies in the devolution process advocated by Corcas

"The African Caucus," a magazine of the "Independent Centre for Research and Initiatives for Dialogue" (CIRID), devoted to the Sahara issue an important position in both the 19th and 25th September editions.

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