| Support to the autonomy plan for the Sahara presented by Morocco continues to gain ground in the international community, amid a wave of withdrawal by several countries of recognition of the so-called SADR wrote the Colombian daily " Primicia". More... |
| Algeria fears autonomy in the Sahara
Michael Rubin, an expert at the (Naval Postgraduate School's Center for Civil-Military Relations) said in an analysis published on (CNN) webpage that Algeria opposes autonomy plan in the Sahara for fear that this solution would be unprecedented at level of its internal policy, pointing out that Algeria sees Polisario as tool to serve its hegemony ambitions in the region . More... |
| US “commentary magazine” writes about the widespread corruption in the Tindouf camps where the Polisario leaders, claiming the Sahara separation from Morocco, are smuggling humanitarian aid sent to the population. More... |
| Algeria’s diplomatic activism in favor of Polisario'' has not been very useful ''and has resulted in press criticism against ''costly and inconclusive” foreign policy, says Geopolitica.info, an Italian electronic journal of geopolitics, international relations and strategic studies. More... |
| Printed and audiovisual Italian media devoted editions to the relationship between Polisario and Al Qaeda branch in the Sahel AQIM.
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