| The chairman of the royal advisory council for Saharan affairs ( CORCAS) Mr Khalihenna Ould Errachid has invited in an interview on the 5th of may to RFI , Mohamed Abdel Aziz to come I order to run a real autonomy inside Morocco.
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| Reconciliation and peace Chairman of a council set up by Mohammed VI, Khalli Henna Ould Errachid dialogue with his Sahrawi "brothers" to find a solution acceptable to all. More... |
| Project on autonomy for Moroccan southern provinces is an "interesting" and "courageous" proposal, stressed, here Thursday, former French Foreign Minister, Hubert Vedrine.More... |
| The delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met on Wednesday at the headquarters of the Green Party with party officials. It is the first time the party receives a Moroccan delegation to hear its point of view on the Sahara issue, and the proposed solutions to find a way-out this conflict. More... |
| Khalihenna: Autonomy "is not a tactic or a political maneuver"
The President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs Khalihenna Ould Errachid said on Wednesday in Paris, during a meeting with representatives of Saharan associations in France that autonomy proposal in the southern provinces is "not a political tactic to gain time." More... |
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