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Friday, July 26, 2024
Major Event
Moroccan-Algerian disagreement over Sahara issue hinders UMA progress, Minister
The disagreement between Morocco and Algeria over the Sahara issue is a major impedance to the progress of the Maghreb Arab Union (UMA), founded in 1989 to set up a free trade area and a common foreign politicy for Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Mauritania, said on Thursday, Nabil Benabdallah, Moroccan Communication Minister and government spokesman.
Human right breaches are the real Polisario policy, commission
"Gross and repeated" human rights breaches in the Camps of Tindouf, southwestern Algeria, correspond to the real policy of the Polisario, revealed here an independent Investigation commission on Human Rights violations in Tindouf.
Moroccan human rights NGOs condemn repression in Tindouf camps, call UN to 'urgently intervene'
Moroccan human rights NGOs "Association marocaine des droits humains" (AMDH) and "Organisation marocaine des droits de l'homme" (OMDH) condemned, on Tuesday, the repression campaign in Tindouf camps, southwestern Algeria, and called on the UN to "urgently intervene."
Autonomy for the Sahara makes Polisario in trouble
Khalihenna: autonomy puts Polisario in a bind

Al Zaman: The chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid said, during the special session of the Council that the autonomy proposal for the Southern provinces meets the requirements of international legality adding that the Council’s members unanimously voted for the proposal after transparent and deep discussions.

Russia Follows with Great Interest Sahara Conflict Developments, Ambassador
Russia follows with great interest the situation in the Sahara conflict, said, here Monday, Russian ambassador to Rabat, Alexandre Tokovinine.
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