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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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King seeks compromise solution to Sahara issue, former US ambassador

King Mohammed VI of Morocco is seeking a solution to the Sahara dispute based on common ground rather than conflict, former assistant secretary of state for Near East and South Asia affairs, Frederick Vreeland, underlined on Sunday.

Washington: Moroccan autonomy plan most substantial

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, David Welch, said, here Thursday, that his country hopes for continuing the political process to find a solution to the Sahara dispute.

Morocco welcomes with great satisfaction UNGA 4th committee's resolution on Sahara, FM

Morocco welcomes with great satisfaction the adoption by consensus, Tuesday, by the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly, of the resolution on the Moroccan Sahara, said Wednesday Foreign minister, Taib Fassi Fihri.

UNGA 4th committee adopts by consensus a resolution on Sahara

The 4th Committee of the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus, here Tuesday, a resolution on the Sahara issue which supports the ongoing negotiations process and commends the commitment of the parties to engage into a phase of more intensive negotiations taking into account the new developments that have taken place since 2006.

Sahara issue: regional dispute to be resolved at the regional scale (ambassador)

"The Sahara issue is a regional dispute that must be solved at the regional level", reiterated Monday the Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations, Mr. Hamid Chabar during a debate at the fourth Committee of the General Assembly.

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