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Friday, July 26, 2024
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All countries know today that the Sahara is a Moroccan-Algerian conflict for which they called for a consensual solution," said Prime Minister Abbas El Fassi.

Mr. El Fassi, who was the guest, Thursday night, of a special program broadcast by the first television channel "Al Oula," said that "with few exceptions, nobody at the international level mentions the existence of Saharawi people suffered injustice and that everyone is aware that the vast majority of Sahrawis are attached to their country".

The Prime Minister noted in this regard that the U.S. and UK have advised the Polisario to join the project of autonomy, whose submission stems from Morocco’s conviction about the importance of opting for an extended regionalization as a platform to consolidate democracy and economic and social development.

Thanks to the impetus witnessed at the Moroccan diplomacy, the Sahara issue is today associated with the Kingdom’s territorial integrity," said El Fassi, noting that all African countries that have withdrawn recognition from the pseudo SADR began by opting for the one-party system before introducing political pluralism.

Mr. El Fassi, also reported having noted at meetings held during the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly, respect enjoyed by Morocco and how its opinion is important "even if it has no wealth that would enable it exert pressure, as some countries ".

"This respect explained, among others, by political reforms, respect of human rights and the moralization of public life, is reflected positively on the Sahara issue, he said.

Source: MAP
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