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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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U.S. President Barak Obama stated in a letter on Friday, July 3 to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, that the United States and Morocco share the same values of peace, justice, progress and tolerance.

The letter of President Obama has been particularly devoted to two topics: the issue of peace in the Middle East and the role of Morocco for the continuation of the peace process, and the other hand, the conflict over Western Sahara, and the U.S. administration willingness to continue its efforts to resolve it.  

Mr. Obama said in his letter, in response to a letter from His Majesty the King, that he shares the position of the Kingdom of Morocco, and believes that the United Nations is the appropriate framework for resolving the Sahara issue.

He expressed the hope that the UN Envoy in the region, Christopher Ross, will succeed in his mission.

"I share your commitment to the talks under the auspices of the United Nations as the appropriate framework to reach a mutually agreed solution, and I hope that Christopher Ross, a seasoned diplomat with wide experience in the region, will promote a constructive dialogue between the parties,"
 President Obama wrote to His Majesty the King. 

The U.S. President letter does not mention a change in the American position regarding the conflict over the Sahara. It does not support the emergence of any independent state in the Sahara region, or the holding of a referendum of self-determination, as has been claimed by the propaganda machine of separatism supporters.

However, President Obama believes in his letter to His Majesty the King, that Morocco is an effective mediator to bring views closer in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

He reaffirmed in this regard, his confidence in the usefulness of the common Moroccan-American action to set up the foundations of successful negotiations for peace in the Middle East.

President Obama said he shared Morocco’s position on the usefulness of negotiations under United Nations auspices, to find a "mutually acceptable" solution to the Sahara issue, adding: "I hope I’ll have the opportunity to discuss with you all these issues and to work together to strengthen the historical relationship between Morocco and the United States. "

He added: "My government will work with yours and others in the region to achieve an outcome that meets the people's need for transparent governance, confidence in the rule of law, and equal administration of justice,".

In his commentary to the letter of U.S. President, the spokesman for the Moroccan government stated during a press briefing that followed the last Government Council that concerning the issue of territorial integrity of Morocco, "through this message there is a convergence between the position of U.S. President and the Moroccan approach that represents no contradiction with the Nation’s constants.»

Here follows full text of the letter of President Barak Obama:

Thank you for your kind letter relating to improving relations between the United States and the Muslim world, and your concerns regarding Jerusalem and Western Sahara. I look forward to discussing with you all these issues and work together to strengthen the historical relationship between Morocco and the United States. I appreciate your commitment to strengthening the foundations of dialogue and mutual respect among nations and achieving peace in the Middle East, based on our shared beliefs. In Cairo, I expressed my willingness to work for a "fresh start" between the U.S. and Muslims around the World.  I stressed out that we share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and dignity for all human beings. These principles should inspire us to reach a comprehensive peace that includes a two-state solution and prompt resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. 

As chairman of Al Quds Committee, you can help ensuring that its members act constructively towards achieving our common goals. I am confident that we can work together to establish the foundations of successful negotiations for peace for all peoples of the region. It is obvious that these negotiations can only succeed if we manage to convince the parties to engage in a constructive manner. I called everybody to fulfil their obligations. For Israel, this includes the suspension of settlements, the dismantling of outposts and the removal of road blocks. Regarding the Palestinians, this means that they should continue to strengthen their security forces to combat terrorism, stop incitement and reform their institutions for the creation of a Palestinian state. The Arab countries also have responsibilities: today more than ever, the Palestinian Authority needs the financial and political support from Arab countries to realize the vision of a lasting peace and fight attempts to undermine it. 

The Arab countries should support the commitment of the Arab peace initiative to come up with gestures vis-à-vis Israel, with a view to ending its isolation in the region. I hope that Morocco, as in the past, will be a leader in promoting reconciliation between Israel and the Arab world.
As I said in Cairo, if we succeed, Jerusalem could become a permanent and secure home for Jews, Christians and Muslims, a place where all Abraham’s sons can live together in peace.

  I realize the importance of the Western Sahara issue for You, for Your Kingdom and for all peoples who have suffered because of this conflict. I share your commitment to the talks under the auspices of the United Nations as the appropriate framework to reach a mutually agreed solution, and I hope that Christopher Ross, a seasoned diplomat with wide experience in the region, will promote a constructive dialogue between the parties.

My Government will work with yours and other parties in the region to reach a solution that meets the needs of populations in terms of governance transparency, confidence in the rule of law and a fair administration of justice.

Finally, I appreciate your personal commitment to the promotion of dialogue between religions and cultures and I praise your efforts and those of your government to develop the links we need to face the challenges of the contemporary world ".

Source: Corcas
- News concerning Western Sahara issue/ Corcas -


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