In his speech, Mr. Radi said the total adherence of the Kingdom of Morocco to the principle of periodic review, considering that this is a relevant and innovative mechanism allowing each country to re-consider its situation regarding human rights.
Mr. Radi stressed that the periodic report on Human Rights by the Kingdom of Morocco (click here to download file) was carried out in close collaboration with all parties in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the Human Rights Council. He also announced the imminence of the establishment of a permanent consultation committee which will include government representatives, NGOs and other actors.
Mr. Radi stressed the Kingdom’s willingness and continued and enhanced respect for the principles and values of universal human rights. This commitment began in 90s with the creation of the Consultative Council on Human Rights (CCDH) and a ministry in charge of human rights. The creation of an interministerial committee, chaired by the Prime Minister, in charge of individual freedoms and human rights has helped strengthen the state’s policy in this field.
After re-stressing the adherence of the Kingdom of Morocco to the various international instruments related to the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, discrimination against women and the Convention on the child rights, Mr. Radi mentioned all institutions established to ensure the protection and promotion of human rights namely: Administrative courts of appeal, CCDH, Diwane Al Madalim, the High Authority of Audiovisual Communication, the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, CORCAS and the Council of the Moroccan Community living abroad.
Other initiatives were also mentioned such as the law on political parties, municipal charter, the code of civil liberties and the press code.
In addition, Mr. Radi has also emphasized the importance of individual and collective freedoms in preserving the social equilibrium and development promotion. He said that their exercise is subject to the law which is the supreme expression of the Nation’s will.
In his speech, Mr. Radi reported accompanying measures undertaken to achieve the implementation of various reforms including the national charter of Justice announced by His Majesty the King at the opening of the current parliamentary term.
The fight against terrorism was discussed at this speech highlighting the standard features adopted by the Parliament for the respect of individuals under the legislation in force.
Mr. Radi did not fail to mention the policy of national solidarity for the promotion and strengthening of women's rights in political and economic institutions, the rights of the child under the programme "Morocco worthy of its children" and that the rights of persons with disabilities.
Moreover, Mr. Radi referred to the transitional justice process followed by the CCDH and concretized by the works of the commission of truth, justice and equity whose objectives were to restore the truth about the past serious violations; repair the damage suffered by victims (financial compensation, medical rehabilitation, social reintegration and Community reparation), the reconciliation process through public debate on various aspects of the past violations and confidence restoration of the rule of law; recommendations relating to constitutional, legislative and institutional reforms to guarantee non-repetition conditions and the fight against impunity.
Thus, the strategic objectives of transitional justice have enabled the Kingdom of Morocco strengthen the democratic transition.
The situation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was raised by Mr. Radi in the context of the report of the fiftieth anniversary of independence and 2025 prospects (, which represents a critical and prospective move to evaluate 50 years of human development and explore coming scenarios.
Mr. Radi also noted the participation and partnership of the National Initiative for Human Development (NHRI) initiated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI in April 2005 aiming to establish a strategy of continuous development of economic, social and cultural rights to fight against poverty, insecurity and social exclusion.
In conclusion, Mr. Radi said that the Kingdom of Morocco is determined to expand institutions and the legislative framework in order to strengthen of the culture of human rights and entrench the principles of transparency, ethics and good governance in public business management.
After the speech by Mr. Radi, delegations at the Working Group of the Human Rights Council made questions and clarification requests. Here are a few interventions by some delegations on the content of the Moroccan report (listed alphabetically):
- Delegation of Saudi Arabia
Having encouraged the initiative of setting up an inter-ministerial committee on Civil Liberties and Human Rights chaired by the Prime Minister of Morocco, the head of the Saudi delegation asked for clarification on the NIHD and its contribution in achieving economic, Social, cultural and development rights.
The head of the Australian delegation requested more details on the contribution of Moroccan national institutions Human Rights in the promotion and protection of human rights.
The head of the Belgian delegation expressed its satisfaction over the development of the Moroccan institutions ensuring the promotion and protection of human rights. He then asked a question about the measures to be taken by the kingdom in order to better sensitize judges and other actors in national justice, throughout all the country’s regions, about the content of the Family Code.
- Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
After expressing his appreciation of the Moroccan report, the head of the delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina asked two questions. The first relates to the interaction of international instruments of human rights vis-à-vis national institutions for example CEDAW protocol. The second relates to the Kingdom’s availability to an explicit definition of the principle of parity between men and women and discrimination between the sexes in accordance with the CEDAW protocol.
The head of the Egyptian delegation commended the delegation for its detailed report on human rights. He then asked about the kingdom's efforts to strengthen the right to decent housing for a large number of citizens.
Having presented the evolution of human rights in the Kingdom of Morocco, the head of the Indonesian delegation asked if the development of women's rights is a priority. He also asked about the commitments of the kingdom in promoting gender equality. He also questioned whether international human rights mechanisms could help in promoting gender equality in the kingdom.
- Delegation of the United Kingdom
After highlighting the progress of the Kingdom of Morocco in the field of human rights and the Family Code, the head of the British delegation asked a question on the right of the press and the latest censorship of the press in the kingdom. He also encouraged the kingdom to improve conditions in prisons.
After a presentation of Moroccan achievements in the field of human rights, the head of the Mauritanian delegation asked about the steps taken by the kingdom to eradicate violence against women. He also asked about the approach taken to inform the Moroccan public opinion on changes in the new Family Code.
The head of the Iranian delegation expressed great satisfaction over the kingdom's efforts in the promotion and protection of human rights. He then asked about the steps taken by the Kingdom to establish the culture of human rights and the means implemented for the protection of children. He also asked about the role of the CCDH as a national institution of human rights.
After a detailed presentation on the situation of human rights in the Kingdom of Morocco, the head of the delegation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan asked a question about the means used to develop the culture of human rights and individual freedoms through textbooks.
After a brief presentation of human rights developments in the Kingdom of Morocco, the head of the delegation of Kuwait asked a question about the objectives of the national strategy for promoting the rights of the child initiated by the kingdom during the 2006-2015 period and the steps taken to strengthen the rights of the child.
After paying tribute to the development efforts by the Kingdom of Morocco in the field of human rights, the head of the Malian delegation requested more details about the national programme "Morocco worthy of its people".
After expressing its satisfaction over the developments of human rights, the work carried out by the CCDH and the new Family Code, the head of the delegation asked about the recent reform of the press code and its contribution in improving freedom of the press in the kingdom.
After a detailed presentation of the evolution of human rights in the Kingdom of Morocco, the head of the Palestinian delegation asked a question about the kingdom's cooperation with sub-Saharan countries in the fight against illegal immigration.
The head of the Slovenian delegation asked three questions about the contribution of NGOs in the mechanism of dialogue and national consultation on Human Rights, gender equality and the eradication of discrimination against women and the process of ratification of CEDAW protocol by the kingdom.
After noting the impressive number of institutions defending human rights in the Kingdom of Morocco, the head of the Swedish delegation asked about detention measures in the kingdom under the fight against terrorism.
Several other countries contributed to the debate regarding the Moroccan report on human rights within the framework of the Universal Periodic Review.
Summary: Corcas
- News on Western Sahara issue/ Corcas-