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Saturday, January 25, 2025
Major Event

The delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met on Monday in Seville with professors of Law, at Pablo de Olavide University, in the context of a visit by the delegation to Andalusia to explain the contents of the Moroccan proposal to resolve the Sahara dispute.

The President took the floor in order to define Corcas. He addressed the following elements:

- Overview of the meetings held by the Moroccan delegation with Spanish officials. The visit objective is to take advantage of the Spanish experience in the field of self-government as the closest geographically to the south of Morocco
- The visit of the delegation to the capital Madrid, the content of the meetings held there
- Self-government is the only way out of the dispute over the Sahara
- The Sahara problem causes instability in the region and hinders the building of any of the Maghreb
- War left a humanitarian disaster
- The failure of the peace plan approved by the United Nations, which was built on the principle of self-determination through the identification as a unique model that has not been applied in any conflict in the world
- The peace plan implies changing borders of Morocco, Algeria, Mali and Mauritania
- The United Nations said in its report for the month of April it was impossible to implement the referendum, and the need to resort to negotiation to find a solution satisfactory to all parties
- The region in front of two options: either to keep the situation as it is and its humanitarian consequences with the people staying in a foreign state, disrupt the process of building the Arab Maghreb and its implications through weakening these countries in any negotiations with United States the European Union and any other party; continuation of the region under the mercy of chaos, without law and order and the growing trafficking in all its forms: human, weapons, drugs and terrorism.
Or adoption of the political solution made by Morocco through self-government.
- 25/03/2006 King appointed the members of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs
- the Council's mission to set a vision on self-rule
- The young King of Morocco wants to change the young political and administrative structures in Morocco for a modern democratic country
- Self-governance is not an easy issue because of the repercussions on all state institutions and administrations since Morocco is a central state
- Influence on the rest of the Mahghreb
- Autonomy through reconciliation and a solution satisfactory to all
- Polisario Front should abandon its dogmatic approach and be more realistic and pragmatic
- Separation is not possible
- The first meeting of Corcas special session last 25/26/27 May discussed the contents of self-government a new and difficult element. The first day members were scared to deal with this subject, on the second day, members provided their views on the mechanisms and problems of self-government
- The Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs is appointed not elected institution by His Majesty the King
- Despite the appointment the Council includes 141 members representing different tribes and different generations, women and men. It is a representative image of the Saharawi community in all its components.
- The need to take advantage of the international models of self-government, including the Spanish experience because of geographical proximity to Morocco, with the need for respect of the Moroccan specificities
- His Majesty King Mohammed VI, made consultations with all the Moroccan political parties participating in government or opposition.
- The need for Spanish actors, politicians and academics to support in order to reach a negotiated solution with our brothers in the Polisario Front
- Autonomy is an economic start for the region adjacent to the Moroccan Sahara, and thus the time factor is very important in resolving this issue
- Polisario Front is political-military organization (militia)
- Morocco respects human rights
- There is no violation of human rights in Laayoune, but some skirmishes between young separatist people and the security forces which intervene in some cases, to protect the law and public order
- Polisario Front exploits these events and trying to publicize human rights violations in the south of Morocco
- Vast difference between truth and propaganda
- The reality of human rights in Tindouf, where there is lack of freedom of expression and opinion and absence of movement and elements of a decent living for camps populations
- Reconciliation is to forget the past and begin a new page

Discussions began between teachers and Mr. President, who explained the following elements:

- Corcas is not autonomy, is appointed by His Majesty the King not an elected body. It is therefore at the disposal of His Majesty King Mohammed VI
- Autonomy political governing with parliamentary institutions and executive authority emanating from the ballot box
- Spain’s visit comes within the framework of benefiting from the experience of their independent governments
- A political solution to the conflict will be in accordance with international legitimacy, and will be realistic and final
- Any other solution is an extension of the crisis
 - Morocco  a democratic country, but the experience of democracy there should not be compared to the experience of democracy in Europe, for reasons including the long accumulations of Europe in this regard. But the changes in Morocco should be compared to what is happening in the African continent, the Arab and Islamic world
- The referendum in the Sahara is politically and technically unfeasible
- Spain should deal with all Saharans, without exception, and not confining their transactions and help with Polisario alone
- The king did not authorize the government nor any the Department to address the problem, but asked the people of the region through the Council to prepare an autonomy plan in respect of the feelings of Sahrawis
- The movement of Polisario is dogmatic and military. The world has changed, all change except the Polisario Front
- Democracy in Morocco is an irrevocable choice
- Civil society in Morocco is active, and only requires support and assistance
- The reign of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI has nothing to do with Hassan II, the young king broke with the Protocol and established the principles of democracy, freedom and rights given to women, for the first time in the history of Morocco, the Moroccan people can see the King’s wife
- Algiers says it is not a party to the conflict; we ask it to intervene to solve this problem
- Sahara problem impedes building the Maghreb, and the interests of its peoples

   For his part, Mr. José Manuel Tyrol Beira, a professor of public law at the University said "though the economic resources and wealth which the autonomous parliament will be able to provide, and with the assistance of the Government of Morocco, it will be possible to achieve stability, democracy and security in the Sahara."

Source: Corcas
(News on Western Sahara issue / Corcas)


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