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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Major Event

The disagreement between Morocco and Algeria over the Sahara issue is a major impedance to the progress of the Maghreb Arab Union (UMA), founded in 1989 to set up a free trade area and a common foreign politicy for Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Mauritania, said on Thursday, Nabil Benabdallah, Moroccan Communication Minister and government spokesman.

In an interview by London-based Arabic-speaking newspaper "Al Hayat", Benabdallah called on Algeria to open constructive negotiations with Morocco to settle political and economic disagreements between the two countries. 

He also called on overcoming the Sahara conflict that has impeded for more than 3 decades any effective cooperation between the two countries, slowed down the Maghreban progress and undermined any possibility for negotiation between the Maghreb countries and the European Union to set up a free trade area.

Among the problems hindering UMA is Algeria's backing to the Polisario movement that is claiming the separation of the Moroccan southern provinces (known as the Sahara) from the rest of the kingdom. Morocco retrieved the former Spanish colony under the 1975 Madrid Accords.

The official stressed that the kingdom will present very soon its autonomy project -which will grant a widened autonomy status enabling inhabitants of the Moroccan Sahara to manage their own affairs, within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty and territorial integrity- to the United Nations.

Touching on Moroccan economy, Benabdallah noted that the kingdom's political and economic stability encourages Arab and foreigner businessmen to invest, stressing that the smooth flow of investments mirrors the trust enjoyed by Morocco before international and Arab financial circles.

Morocco has implemented USD 7Bn projects in 2006, he recalled, noting that public investment will reach some USD 9Bn in 2007 and 12Bn USD by 2008. These investments are essentially dedicated to development projects, Benabdallah concluded. 



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