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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs sent a message of loyalty and sincerity to His Majesty the King after the conclusion of the Council's second regural session for the year 2007 in Smara.

Message addressed to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God bless him following the conclusion of the 2007 second regular session of the Royal Consultative Council for Saharan Affairs.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His Prophet
his family and companions.


After kissing your hands, and expressing obedience and loyalty obligations, your servant Khalihenna Ould Errahid, chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, is honoured to submit to Your Majesty, a message of loyalty and dedication, on the occasion of the conclusion of the second regular session of the Council for the year 2007, that you ordered to be held in the city of Smara, on 6 and 7 Dou Al Hijja, corresponding to 17 and 18 December 2007. The session discussed two main points related to:
    . Self-government to achieve a final reconciliation and dignified return.
    . Air transport and road network in the Southern Regions.

The members your Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, have been debating seriously during these two days on all aspects of the points included in the agenda of this session and other serious national.

Your loyal servants at the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs discussed  the autonomy issue as final solution to achieve reconciliation and dignified return, in all its aspects with honesty, spirit of patriotism, and conviction on the historical national bonds, which has always been linking ancient tribes of the Sahara and the glorious  Alawite Throne. They renewed of the solid inseparable Allegiance link and the sanctity of the fundamental principles of the nation, national unity, territorial integrity and full respect for the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over its territory from Tangier to Al Gouira.

On this occasion, Your Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs is so proud to announce, the return into homeland from Gjijimat Congress in the outskirts of Tifariti, which sounded from within the besieged camps of Tindouf from the mouths of elders , women and youth supporting your initiative and presenting loyalty and dedication obligations to you united against repression and slavery. Their cry portend the demise of separation bravely opting for unity, declaring absolute support to autonomy plan, and putting a definitive end to the suffering, division and fragmentation.

In addition, your loyal servants issued Smara appeal, urging people in the Hmada camps, as well as the leaders of the Polisario Front to engage in the process of the ultimate solution to this issue and dignified return, and thus making an end to the life of despair, homelessness and family break up.

After deliberation, the second point of the agenda was discussed regarding the filed of air transport and road network in the southern regions. Your loyal members of the Council debated this issue with responsibility and pride, providing their perceptions on the completion of work methods and development mechanisms in this sector so that it can cope with the requirements of the region at all socio-economic levels as an indicator of sustainable integrated development of these areas.

It is, indeed, Majesty, a great occasion for your loyal members of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs to renew their loyalty and dedication obligations to the country's beloved inspirational leader, and the guarantor of its unity, reaffirming their comprehensive and unconditional commitment and permanent mobilization behind the King in all his initiatives for the defence of the territorial and national unity of the Kingdom of Morocco.

May Allah preserve you, as He preserved the Holy Quran, and may Him help you remain an asset and refuge for this nation. May God bless HRH crown prince Moulay Al Hassan, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, and all your Royal family.
Done in Rabat on December 25, 2008.
Signed: Khalihenna Ould Errachid
Chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs.

Done in Smara on Tuesday Du-Alhijja 7, 1428, December 18, 2007

Signed: Chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, Khalihenna Ould Errachid

  Source: Corcas


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