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Friday, July 26, 2024

The Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS) closed late in the night from Thursday to Friday the works of its second regular session of 2008, by issuing a press release that highlights the significant progress made by Morocco in the consecration of the culture of human rights and their protection.

The press release indicates that these reforms have been achieved through the constitutional and legal arsenal and the combination of authentic experiences accumulated by Morocco has in this area through the participation of political, civil, economic, social and cultural bodies which have encouraged a democratic atmosphere under the rule of law.

Morocco has guaranteed freedom of expression to its entire people, as well as their political, civil and trade union rights in harmony with international conventions, the objectives of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international treaties, thus bringing Morocco on the way of genuine human development, said the press release.  

"The establishment of CORCAS intervened in the context of this important democratic changes based on the participatory approach as a democratic tool in dealing with all issues of concern to the Moroccan Sahrawi citizen who was the target of false propaganda by adversaries of our glorious nation, "said the source, who also mentions the initiatives taken in favour of the inhabitants of southern provinces, such as royal pardon which concerned political prisoners in the southern provinces. A grace decided in response to a request by the Council to His Majesty the King.

At that meeting, which coincides with the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, members of CORCAS proudly stressed the experience of Morocco in the field of human rights, acquired through the desire of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, adds the release.  

CORCAS members have also welcomed the contents of the royal message on the occasion of the celebration of this anniversary and recalled the democratic achievements of the Kingdom which ranks it among the democratic countries that have abolished all forms of discrimination.

CORCAS has also estimated that the granting of autonomous statute to southern provinces, as the best expression of self-determination, is another step in the process of building a democratic Kingdom in the sense that it allows people of southern provinces to enjoy all political, economic and social rights.

CORCAS members have also emphasized the positive progress of the national housing, employment, health, education, training and equipment programmes in the southern provinces, reiterating their support for the reconciliatory approach adopted by the Council in solving the problems of workers and retirees "Phosboucrâa", cited in this context.

They also welcomed the submission initiative of Dahirs to sheikhs responsible for the identification and resolution of the issue of teachers who have exercised during the Spanish colonization.

At the end of this session, Corcas Secretary General, Mr. Maouelainin Ben Khalihanna Maouelainin read a message sent to His Majesty the King by the chairman of CORCAS, Mr. Ould Errachid Khalihenna, on his behalf and on behalf of the Council members.

Source: MAP
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