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Monday, May 20, 2024
Foreign Activities

Mrs Gajmoula Ebbi, member of the Moroccan parliamernt and also Corcas, Mr Bellali Brahim corcas’s reporter of human rights commission, and Mr Sidati Ghallaoui former Polisario ambassador in Rome, Greece and Vatican have taken part of a press conference at the Palais des nations in Geneva, they have clarified in this press conference different aspects of the Sahara issue, and the autonomy project proposed by Morocco.

In this meeting, organized under the auspices of the association of correspondents accredited at the UN.the participants  have pleaded for a “just and lasting” solution of the Sahara conflict underlying that this solution is the sahraoui wish .

The conflict which is a generator of suffering and pain, left the after-effects in each family, it is also a potential factor of instability in the region, and a major obstacle to the edification of  the Union of Maghreb Arab, they asserted.

Concerning the genesis of the Sahara issue, they have explained the reasons behind the non- application of the referendum set aside by the UN, which recognized the impossibility to put it into practice.

They reminded those who are anxious for justice and peace, to look forward to the future, avoid the superseded ideology, follow the voice of realism, and enhance the autonomy project proposed by Morocco, in order to reach a solution of “ no winner no looser”, as advocated by the UN, and wished by the international community.

The Moroccan proposal constitutes a contribution in this sense, they have indicated, in addition to the fact that it is a result of a dialogue between different  political and civil society actors, it is also  in accordance  with the international legality , and the UN charter, reminding that the latter recognizes the autonomy as one of  self-determinations forms.

They pointed up where the context of this autonomy project took its shape, a context of enhancing the process of democracy, confirmed by the seriousness and transparency of the latest legislative elections, according the views of international observers, who have followed closely the elections.

Taking into account the highest percentage of participation in these elections, the southern provinces have inflicted, according to them, a denial to the separatist propaganda, and a clear failure to the shameless allegations spread by their promoters. The thesis that claims Polisario being the only and unique representative of Sahraouis melted as the snow under the sun; they equally testified the participation of CORCAS members at the Manhasset negotiations.

The delegation mentioned above, is staying in Geneva, to attend the 6th session of the human rights council, members of the delegation contacted representatives of country members of the council, and also non-governmental organizations to explain to them the project of autonomy and its philosophy, taking into consideration that the aim is to gather families separated for more than three  decades, and put an end to their sufferings.

  Source : MAP
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