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Sunday, January 26, 2025
Foreign Activities

Saadani Maouelainin, member of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (Corcas), received a unanimous and wide-ranging tribute early May in Bolivia  for ongoing activism in the social and human rights field. 

Several political and academic institutions in Santa Cruz de la Sierra Department presented awards and badges to the Moroccan Saharawi activist.

Saadani Maouelainin obtained the gold medal awarded by the Commission of Criminal Justice and Crime Control Department of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. 

An honorary medal awarded to those who have acted in the service of society, realization of peace and consolidation of human rights.

The Bolivian parliament's Multinational Legislative Assembly awarded the Moroccan Saharawi activist with an honorific certificate in recognition of her personal action in favor of human rights and her social action.

Another certificate of recognition was presented to Saadani by the municipality of the city of Santa Cruz, as a tribute to its national and international action in spreading the culture of peace and human rights.

Saadani Maouelainin also received a strong tribute from Gabriel René Morino Autonomous University, one of the most prestigious universities in Bolivia, which was founded in 1880 for participation in the first international meeting of human rights. 

At Aquino Bolivia University, Saadani Maouelainin also received a tribute as a distinguished visitor for her activism for the culture of peace and human rights.-

News on Western Sahara issue / Corcas-


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