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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Printed and audiovisual Italian media devoted editions to the relationship between Polisario and Al Qaeda branch in the Sahel AQIM.

The Italian TV channel 'TG24'' of Mediaset, reported that facts on the ground reveal the existence of "almost public" relations between Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Polisario, including "the big boss" Mohamed Abdelaziz, who introduced on Algerian territory in the Tindouf camps, "a regime inspired by the North Korean regime".

There are "proven infiltration in the Tindouf camps and almost public contacts between Polisario and the Islamic Maghreb Al Qaeda," said the host of the weekly show " Mezzi Toni " broadcast Sunday night, by channel 'TG24'' of Mediaset, dedicated to the proliferation of terrorist groups in the Sahel.

The specialist in international affairs, Toni Capuozzo, who mentioned, among others, the kidnapping of an Italian humanitarian aid workers in Tindouf by "a fundamentalist organization" with the complicity of elements within the camps, questioned how "this reality escaped some Italian parliamentarians who supported a Polisario insignificant conference, which took place in recent days in the local region of Lazio in Rome".

"Italian parliamentarians were strangely involved in this conference, including a delegation received by the President of the House of Deputies, Carla Boldrini," he added.

The show guest, Arturo Barrelli an expert on international terrorism  said that contacts between Polisario and terrorist groups "actually exist".

"The new generations of this movement have only strengthened the ranks of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and its various branches (MUJAO, Ansar Dine), controlling the territory and engaged in all kinds of drug, weapons, cigarettes and human trafficking. "

"This traffic is indeed a source of livelihood for the movement in a difficult area," he said.

In addition, participants in this program were unanimous in stressing the danger looming over Europe, given the proliferation of terrorist groups in the Sahel, " an unstable region with all kinds of trafficking."

"Some Italians underestimate this danger. But in reality it concerns us closely," noted one of the speakers, referring to the intensive security measures at airports, the increasing number of illegal immigrants, and economic interests of Italy in the Sahel region.

For its part, the Italian major newspaper "Al Foglio" highlighted the proven links between Polisario and AQIM terrorist organization, Ansar Dine and Mujao, reporting that 650 young Sahrawis in Tindouf camps were recruited by these terrorist groups performing various operations including kidnapping persons, smuggling drugs and weapons.

The paper which quotes a source from Arab intelligence also says that at least 25 Sahrawis from Tindouf are members of the "katiba" which killed two French journalists from Radio France Internationale (RFI), November 4 near Kidal in northern Mali, indicating that other Sahrawis in Tindouf camps had joined the Mokhtar bel Mokhtar terrorist group perpetrating various operations.

These links with terrorist organizations "have evolved along with the persistence of infighting in the Tindouf camps where the deteriorated situation reached unbearable limits under the corrupt and dictatorial management by Mohamed Abdelaziz," the newspaper said in an article published in the eve of a conference supposedly organized to "support Polisario" Friday and Saturday in Rome.

Under such conditions, notes the author of the article, "it was easy for Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (Mujao) to recruit hundreds of young Sahrawis who had tried early 2012, to oppose Mohamed Abdelaziz".

"As pointed out in the columns of this newspaper, in March, several think tank continue to focus on the specific danger posed by the proliferation of jihadist activities from camps in Tindouf," the journalist quotes in this regard, the report published on March 13, 2013 by  the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in which the American NGO reports that if al Qaeda strengthens its alliance with Polisario it would give birth, no doubt , to a large and strong terrorist organization.

The paper also calls upon Italians "not to forget that Sahrawis in Tindouf were directly involved in kidnapping Rossella Urru October 23, 2010, and Maria Sandra Mariani, in southern Algeria, February 2, 2011. "

"What aggravates the situation is the decision taken by the Algerian government, revealed last Wednesday by the electronic journal +Aljazaer  Times + to allocate $ 750 million to fund media campaigns, international conferences and other initiatives to delegitimize Morocco and support the thesis of Polisario separatists ".

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