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Friday, December 6, 2024
Written Press

Following French President Emmanuel Macron's decision to support Morocco's sovereignty over its Sahara, Finland on Tuesday became the first Nordic country to back the autonomy plan presented by the Kingdom, writes the French daily "Les Echos".

The paper, which recalls the history of the conflict over the Moroccan Sahara fueled by Algeria, points out that "supporters of the Algerian position are becoming rare".

"Over the years, their numbers have dwindled," notes the daily, which lists the many states that have withdrawn their recognition of the so-called RASD and those that have never recognized it.

The paper, which also echoes those countries that have supported Morocco's full sovereignty over its Sahara and autonomy plan put forward by the Kingdom, recalls that at the end of July, "France went even further, stating that 'the present and future of Western Sahara fall within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty'".

News and events on Western Sahara issue/ CORCAS


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