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Friday, July 26, 2024
Written Press

The Belgian daily with large circulation “De Tijd” called on the countries of Europe to strengthen their relations with Morocco and to work for the settlement of the question of the Sahara to prevent “the disastrous plans” resulting from a “perfidious collaboration ” of what he calls “the new axis of chaos” which would destabilize the region and constitute “a direct threat to security in Europe”.

In a column signed by Dutch-speaking political scientist Fouad Gandoul, the newspaper specializing in economics maintains that “the developments in Algeria are such that there is no longer any room for diplomatic ambiguity”, stressing that “Europe must choose between short-term realpolitik to guarantee gas supply and fundamental principles to ensure long-term stability and security in Europe and North Africa”.
“Through Hezbollah, Iran’s armed wing, and with the help of Algeria, Russia’s closest ally and strategic partner in Africa, a real threat has weighed on Morocco since 2017”, notes the author, noting that the Polisario separatist militias are trained by Hezbollah cadres and Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

The militias are enriched by the illegal arms trade, illegal migration routes and subversive military activities in the Sahel, in collaboration with international terrorist organizations, he adds, stressing that “this undermines stability in North Africa and constitutes a direct threat to security in Europe”.

He added that the European Union and the United States are increasingly concerned about the closer relations between Algeria, Russia and Iran, and their military ambitions in Africa. Quoting various sources, the author indicates that “the military junta of Algiers, with the help of Iran, wants to facilitate the installation of Russian military bases in the Sahel”.

This “perfidious” collaboration that the author calls “the new axis of chaos” constitutes “a direct threat” for Europe, believes the political scientist, stressing that “it is time to act in a coordinated and strong way to prevent the disastrous plans of Russia, Iran and Algeria in Africa”.

Arguing for “the strengthening of ties with the only pro-Western and stable regime in North Africa: Morocco”, as Spain has done, the author underlines that “a starting point is the settlement of the status of the Sahara”.

He recalled, in this regard, the remarks made recently in Paris by Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, who declared that only Morocco had the necessary authority in the Sahara when Spain left the colonized territory in 1975.

The political scientist also reviewed the recent wave of support for the Moroccan position, led by the United States which recognizes Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara, Washington considering Morocco’s autonomy plan as the only credible and realistic way to resolve the regional conflict. This plan also benefits from the support of Spain, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium, he adds.

The author points out that the experts of the Madrid authority Instituto Coordinadas de Gobernanza y de Economia Aplicada (ICGEA) also see in the Moroccan autonomy plan a means of stabilizing the region. They call on other EU Member States to support this plan, with the aim of strengthening both shores of the Mediterranean.

News and events on Western Sahara issue/ CORCAS


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