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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Written Press

Iran opens up new front in global battle against Western allies by funding rebel group in North Africa, wrote British daily "The Sun".

In an article on its website, the daily said Teheran now believed to be training and arming the Polisario Front, in an attempt to open a new front in global battle against Western allies.

Tehran already faces bitter international condemnation for sewing mayhem by meddling in the conflicts in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq, it recalled.

News that its extremist military unit, the Quds Brigade, has spread its operations even further afield will alarm Downing Street, it noted, underlining that President Donald Trump named the Quds Brigade's trouble-making across the Middle East as one of three reasons he was pulling the US out of the Iran nuclear deal earlier this month.

The deaths of dozens of British soldiers in southern Iraq has also been blamed on the secretive unit, who helped Shia rebels build devastating shape-charged IEDs, said the daily.

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