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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Written Press

The Minister of foreign affairs, Salahddine Mezouar has called Algeria to fully meet its responsibilities in the process of searching a solution of the conflict regarding the Moroccan Sahara.

“Algeria should fully meet its responsibilities in the search of a solution in terms of its diplomatic, political and military implication in the genesis and the maintenance of the regional conflict about the Sahara”.

 He insisted on the necessity that Algeria should “understand that the exercise of Moroccan sovereignty in the Sahara is irreversible” Mezouar has asserted that “the Kingdom’s determination is unshakable against the displaced posturing, unproductive conducts and fruitless orally games that Algeria has accustomed us with”.

Disappointed but not surprised

 Having mentioned the direct implication of Algeria in the conflict particularly by means of financial , military and logistic assistance,  the minister called Algeria   “to cease this ambivalence between what is real and what it seeks to make us believe”.

As to Mezouar, attitudes, positions and behavior of Algeria since the beginning of the Moroccan Sahara affair “have made it in fact the main party of this regional conflict”.

 Reacting to the recent statements of the Algerian minister of foreign affairs , who linked the relations to the “respect” of the  Algerian position about the Moroccan Sahara , Mezouar said  “ being disappointed but not surprised” , asserting that “    Algeria put its opposition  to the  territorial integrity of the Kingdom above any other consideration”.

 Algeria “mortgages” the future of the region

 “The Algerian authorities sacrify the strong and historic links between Moroccan and Algerian people, mortgaging the future of the region and hold hostage the five peoples of Maghreb. They impede though, all perspectives of fruitful cooperation, to tackle several challenges in terms of security and development “the minister deplored.

 He added that “Algeria will then, meet before history and the future generations and also before the  conscience  of Maghreb the responsibility of this blockade “.

 Lack of doctrine of the UN

Asking question about the “obsession of certain senior   Algerian officials who refer to so-called doctrine of the United Nations “Salahdine Mezouar indicated that   that the UN does not have any doctrine.

According to him “ the UN prefer to refer to a flexible and dynamic practice which takes into account the specificity of each situation and the historical and geopolitical context in their own use”.

The minister underlined that if “ a doctrine” does exist, it is in conformity with the Moroccan  process which gives priority to the negotiations in order to make a progress towards a political solution  much desired by the UN  and the international community .

 News and events concerning Western Sahara issue/ Corcas


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