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Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Written Press

The”Polisario “is an Algerian invention” to divert the attention of its internal problems and have an exit to the Atlantic ocean, asserts the Spanish expert, Ramon Moreno Castilla.

“The Polisario is an Algerian invention for two reasons, the first one to divert the attention of its internal problems and the second one to respond to the Algerian strategy, in order to get an exit to the Atlantic ocean, by means of the proclamation of a puppet state: the ghostly : SADR, asserts the Spanish expert in an interview with the Spanish magazine “ Atalayar dos orillas” published in its internet site .

 “Without Algeria, the Polisario would have never seen the light. it is more than obvious that the Polisario is not the only representative of the Sahraoui population , the majority of whom is established in Morocco” says Moreno , an expert on the  Maghreb history, specifying that more than  10 000 sahraouis have gone back to Morocco , including eight founding members of the “Polisario”

 “the ancient relations between the  tribes  of Sahara and  firstly Sultans  , then  kings of Morocco are perfectly documented “ he assured , adding that these tribes have always  shown their allegiance to the rulers of Morocco .

 According  the Spanish political analyst , “ Algeria has spent  almost 60 000 million dollars in terms of  equipment , military aid  , and  buying votes of  member states  of the former OAU , south  America countries and even in Tindouf camps” adding that this maghreban country is governed by “ military descendants of deserters from the French Army”

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