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Friday, July 26, 2024
Written Press

Algeria’s diplomatic activism in favor of Polisario'' has not been very useful ''and has resulted in press criticism against ''costly and inconclusive” foreign policy, says Geopolitica.info, an Italian electronic journal of geopolitics, international relations and strategic studies.

The diplomatic activism of Algiers in recent months in favor of the Polisario has not been very useful. Failure of a conference in support of Polisario held in Rome, provoked reactions from within the Algerian press ," notes the paper, adding that the Algerian daily “Le Matin” was very critical in its electronic edition November 26 to ( President ) Bouteflika and his costly and inconclusive foreign policy".

According to the Italian magazine,  the ''Algerian diplomacy led by Ramtane Lamamra pays for the apparent instability caused by terrorist groups  on the border between Mali and Algeria  which failed to control it , making precarious security conditions of Western companies operating in the area , particularly in the area of extraction of oil and gas''.

Geopolitica.inf  tackles also the visit by HM the King in the United States , noting that the ''successful”  visit was a blow to the Algerian ambitions''.

According to the magazine , "Morocco seems to be gaining decisive points '' after the meeting of the King and President Barack Obama, preceded November 18 by the publication of a letter of 9 former U.S. ambassadors , serving in Morocco over the last 32 years , in which they argued for strengthening friendship and cooperation between Morocco and the United States''.

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