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Sunday, January 26, 2025
Written Press

The Spanish press reacted on the release by Polisario of the release of Mr. Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud, that the Front had arrested last Sept. 21 on his way back to the Tindouf camps to defend the Moroccan initiative granting autonomy to the Sahara region as a final solution to this issue.

Summary of the coverage of the Spanish press:


The father of Mustapha Ould Sidi Mouloud: Polisario systematically violates the human rights of people in Tindouf camps

The father of Mustapha Ould Sidi Mouloud said today at the UN that he is cautious about the announcement of the release of his son, held by the Polisario.

"I do not believe it," he said at a press conference after attending a session of the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly on decolonization "
Moulay Salma Ismaili accused Polisario of violating human rights by jailing Mustapha on his return to his home, following a visit to his parents in Morocco, after 33 years of absence.

"After what happened, I decided to come here to demand the release of my son and the preservation of his security, said Moulay Salma."

He added that "Polisario systematically violates the human rights of the inhabitants of refugee camps and became a tool in the hands of the Algerian Government."

The Spanish Agency said that Mustapha Salma was police chief of an area in the Tindouf camps in south-western Algeria. On August 9, he backed the Moroccan autonomy plan for Western Sahara at a press conference in the town of Smara.

El Mundo

Polisario frees a former officer arrested in Tindouf for "revealing secrets" to Rabat

Mustapha Ould Sidi Mouloud, Ex police inspector in the Tindouf camps (Algeria), arrested September 21 has been released by the Polisario

August 9, Sidi Mouloud held in a press conference in Smara, Western Sahara to defend the autonomy plan proposed at the United Nations by Morocco.

A few days later, the police chief announced his intention to return to the camps of Tindouf and then expressed his "fear" of being arrested. This is what happened.

Mobilization of Moroccans

Meanwhile, Morocco welcomed the announcement of the release, which is, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, due to "strong and effective mobilization of all forces and national and international human rights organizations that intervened in this matter ".

The Moroccan Foreign Ministry also stressed that "Algeria has indisputable legal and political responsibility in arresting Ould Moulud who "during his abduction suffered physical and moral consequences."

The kingdom also called for "freedom of movement for Sahrawis and for guaranteeing freedom of expression of policy choices of Sidi Mouloud", whose case has mobilized the Moroccan political parties and the national media, said El Mundo.

Europa Press

Release of Polisario senior official who supports autonomy plan in the Sahara

Mustafa Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud, former senior official of the Polisario Front who was arrested Sept. 21 around the camps of Tindouf (Algeria) has just been released.

Sidi Mouloud, Former Inspector General of Police of the Polisario, intended to return to Tindouf (Algeria), that he left two months ago. He wanted to return to his family, living in the Saharawi refugee camps, as he told EuropaPress one day before starting the journey.

On 21 September, he was arrested in the town of Mheiriz (Western Sahara) for "spying for the enemy."

He expressed support for the Moroccan autonomy plan for Western Sahara and accused the Polisario leadership of monopolizing power since 1975, rejecting democracy and making profit at the expense of Sahrawis.

The Moroccan government condemned the arrest of the Polisario’s Inspector General describing it as "unspeakable act" and "abduction". It also blamed the Algerian authorities of what happened to Sidi Mouloud, "whose only mistake is not to repeat what is said in Algiers and Tindouf," spokesperson of the Moroccan government Khalid Naciri said.

Source: Corcas
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