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Thursday, May 9, 2024
Written Press

Autonomy in the Sahara region is "the only practical solution " for the settlement of the Sahara issue" said the Lebanese journalist Khairallah Khairallah, adding that anyone trying to avoid it would be practising a sterile policy .

Mr. Khairallah said in an article published Monday in the Egyptian newspaper Rose Al Youssef, that "autonomy is beneficial to Morocco, Algeria and all the region’s countries and guarantees the rights of all".

The solution to the Sahara issue "is within reach. Autonomy will preserve the dignity of all and help ensure stability in the region and allow focus on real problems", he said.

"Does Algeria want a solution to the Sahara issue or prefer continue to be hidden behind the Polisario Front to wage its diplomatic war against Morocco?" He queried.

Referring to the third round of negotiations in Manhasset, Mr. Khairallah has criticised "Polisario" negative position at the talks, calling it an "instrument" in the hands of Algeria to interfere in Morocco.

For him, "Morocco came to these negotiations with the desire to find a solution to the artificial conflict around the Sahara issue that would ensure the stability of the Maghreb region ". He added that "this stability cannot be achieved through the creation of a new artificial entity in the region (...) that Algeria can handle indefinitely".

This entity, he continued, "can be turned against Algeria, given the power of Al Qaeda", namely in Mali, Niger and Algeria itself, saying that it" is clear that Algiers does not recognize its failure and lift the siege imposed on Sahrawis in Tindouf camps ".

Policies pursued by Algeria, still nostalgic about the cold war period, have all been doomed to failure, he said, adding that Polisario is "a heavy legacy" of this period. Algerian demonstrators, said the article's author, had attacked in October 1988 Polisario office in Algiers and voiced slogans “denouncing the financial support that the Algerian authorities accord to this movement, instead of dealing with with the living conditions of citizens".

Algeria has no interest in attacking Morocco, he wrote, noting that the region's future depends on broad regional cooperation.

"The struggle of Algeria is not against Morocco. On the contrary, Algeria should rather benefit from the Moroccan experience at all levels and the progress made by the Kingdom, even though the country has no oil nor gas ".

The Lebanese journalist also noted the impossibility to hold a referendum in the Sahara, because of the complications related to the identification of Sahrawis. "Is Mohamed Abdelaziz a Sahrawi or not, since his father was a soldier in the ranks of the Moroccan army and lived in Kesbat Tadla?, "He questioned.

He added that the case of Mohamed Abdelaziz and his family are similar to several thousand people.


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