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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Written Press

Asharq Al Awsat daily in its July 15, citing U.S. official sources, denied rumors that have circulated in recent weeks, according to which the new U.S. administration has changed its position on Sahara issue.

An official at the U.S. State Department, told Asharq Al Awsat, that President Obama "has not issued any press release on this subject, contrary to reporting saying that the U.S. president is supporting the establishment of a State in the Sahara. 

The U.S. official told the Arabic newspaper that the U.S. government "totally support" the efforts of the UN Secretary General to achieve "a peaceful, final and agreed solution by parties concerned" .

The American diplomat said that President Obama supports the efforts of the Personal Envoy Christopher Ross to achieve this goal.

For its part, Al Aalam paper issued a statement of another U.S. official at the State Department, made to Moroccan community TV on the Internet in the United States, "Al Muhajeer”.  

This official has categorically denied that the statements quoted above, were made by the Department of State.

He therefore dismissed the rumors that have tried to imply that the new American president Barak Obama has abandoned its country’s position, which consists of the support provided by the United States to the Moroccan initiative for a large autonomy in the southern provinces.

John Sullivan, the head of the Middle East section at the State Department, said Washington still hopes that the solution to the Sahara conflict will be found under the UN auspices (see: http://www.elmuhajer. com/statedepertment.php).

The controversy was sparked by the report published by the online "World Tribune newspaper, citing unidentified diplomatic sources, which have reported that the White House, feels less engaged by the position of the Bush administration, about of the Moroccan initiative for autonomy in the Sahara. The article referring to an improper and false interpretation of the letter of President Obama to His Majesty the King, linked a solution to the Sahara to the role of Morocco in the mediation between Israel and Palestine. 

According to Asharq Al Awsat, the spokesperson of the Moroccan government, Khalid Naciri, had already expressed his surprise in response to the analysis referring to the bartering between the Sahara and normalization with Israel, made by the American newspaper.

Mr. Naciri qualified this "analysis" of "simple misinterpretation", adding that the letter was carrying no hostile position on the Sahara issue.

Mr. Naciri indicated that there was convergence of views, with the vision of Morocco. He added that President Obama raised the issue of the Middle East, based on the effective role that Morocco can play in supporting the Palestinian cause, if the conditions consistent with its beliefs on this subject are collected.

Source: Corcas
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