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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Full Coverage on autonomy: final opportunity to resolve the dispute over the Sahara
Morocco provides a national project in terms of maintaining its sovereignty over all its territory, and democratic in terms of enabling people to manage their own affairs. This project is the only likely to achieve an agreed political solution to the Moroccan Sahara dispute.

Council's involvement in the meetings of the Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
The Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs fully and unconditionally supports the request of the National Agency for the legalization of domain. Eh (Saguiya Hmra on the Internet) in view of the experience gained by the Agency in this field. That is reason behind the granting of the authorization of the doùmain. Eh, that the National Agency will manage for the benefit of the Saharawi people living in Saguiya Hamra and Wadi Al Dhahab.

Corcas participation in the Universal Periodic Review of UN Human Rights Council

The Kingdom of Morocco has participated on April 8, 2008 in the meeting of Working Group of the Human Rights Council in charge of the Universal Periodic Review with a large delegation headed by Mr. Abdelwahd Radi, Minister of Justice, and Mghizlat Ahmed, CORCAS vice-president.

Reactions to the statement by Mr. Walsum, Special Envoy of Ban Ki Moon

In this coverage, there is an outline of Mr. Walsum’s ideas which he defended at the Security Council meeting, Monday, April 21, 2008. It presents also the main reactions to his declarations among key Security Council members and the opinion of an expert on the Sahara issue.

Visit by the President of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia to Morocco

The visit of Mr. Jose Montilla, the President of the autonomous government of Catalonia, and his meeting with Mr. Khalihenna Oueld Errachid, Chairman of the Royal Advisory for Saharan Affairs has generated a lot of comments and a significant coverage by the Spanish and Catalan press and media.

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