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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gjijimat conference organized by a group of opponents of the Polisario leadership on the outskirts of Tifariti, the buffer zone in the Sahara, their involvement in the Moroccan proposal to negotiate autonomy for the Sahara region. It can be considered the largest opposition rally out of the front, composed of personalities, sheikhs, and tribal leaders, in parallel with Polisario Conference in Tifariti.

Dissident participants who represent the grassroots in the Tindouf camps expressed at their historical congress their rejection of the political line of the current Polisario leaders, their mismanagement for the ongoing negotiations with the Kingdom of Morocco in Manhasset under UN aupicies.

The council held on 17 and 18 December 2007 its second regular session in Smara under the theme "autonomy final solution for reconciliation and return", during which it stressed that Morocco is developing the necessary arrangements to deal with the massive return of the Moroccan detainees in Tindouf to be received in the best conditions.
In a communiqué issued on the occasion of Gjijimat Conference, a number of tribes of the Tindouf camps expressed their support to autonomy proposal put forward by the Kingdom of Morocco, if it guarantees them a dignified return to the motherland and preserve their economic, social and cultural identity, which came in the Moroccan proposal.

  Following is the full text of Gjijimat communication:

Gjijimat Statement on the outskirts of Tifariti

We, members of the Polisario Front, gathered at Gjijimat Congress on the outskirts of Tifariti on 14 December 2007 under the slogan:
"Self-government final solution for reconciliation and return"

 The legacy of this conflict, suffering of our people, our society and the region

 Failure of all previous attempts to approach this conflict, whether in the framework of the United Nations or outside

 The long duration of this old conflict

 Negative repercussions on families, community, economy and politics

 This conflict is a political one

 A solution to this conflict can only be through negotiation and peace

 Desire of our people to reach a dignified return to their homes safely

 Urgent need to put an end to this conflict and get rid of the useless negative effects

 Lack of democracy and transparency in the current leadership of the Frente Polisario, and shed many of its members and confiscating of our future

 Desire to turn towards peace and enter into positive and constructive negotiations to put an end to this conflict, which caused great damage to people

 People’s will to return to their homes as soon as possible and abandon once and for all Hamada camps and their desire to live in dignity and enjoy comfortable modern life

 Our people’s sincere will to put an end to separation of families

 Claiming the impossible causes significant damage to our people in the short term and long-term

 Our will to attain reconciliation, reunite all Sahrawis on their land and in their real cities

We declare what follows:

  We accept autonomy as a solution to this issue, especially if it guarantees to us on a permanent basis, and unchangeable,  guaranteed constitutionally our political, economic, social and cultural rights, within the Kingdom of Morocco, providing to us  conditions for a dignified return of our people to their homes in the framework of democracy and freedom and respect for human rights, and to be an opportunity for people to get compensated materially and morally for what they have lost throughout this period of time.
  We support the approach followed by the President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs with the blessing and support of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

Done in Gjijimat, Tifariti outskirts, on Friday, December, 14 2007

Gjijimat Meeting: 100 Moroccan Sahrawis return home

 Nearly 100 Moroccan Sahrawis, including 20 children, have returned to Morocco over the last 24 hours.
    The Sahrawis, who arrived in three groups to El Karkrat, fled the Tindouf Camps (southwestern Algeria) where thousands of Moroccan-Sahara natives are held against their will by the Algerian-backed separatist movement Polisario.

    Among those who returned are several Sahrawis who participated in the Gjijimat meeting, held in mid December to voice adherence to Morocco's autonomy proposal aimed at solving the three-decade long conflict over Morocco's Southern Provinces (The Sahara) with the Polisario. The meeting was held at the same time as the so-called 12th Congress of Polisario leadership in the buffer zone of Tifariti. 

    During this meeting, held under the sign "Autonomy as a Final Solution to Achieve Reconciliation and Dignified Return to the Homeland", the organizers spoke up for the plan, which Morocco proposes to grant substantial autonomy to the Sahara under its sovereignty.

    Sahrawi sources said that other families are preparing to return to Morocco in the coming days.

    Upon arrival, some of the Sahrawis described the dire conditions in these camps, stressing that most of their brethrens wait for the first opportunity to come back to Morocco.

    They also called for lifting the blockade imposed on their relatives and called on all Sahrawis to return home to enjoy dignified, united and stable life in Morocco.       

    A former Spanish colony, the Sahara was retrieved by Morocco in 1975 under the Madrid Accord. A year later, the Polisario claimed the separation of the territory from Morocco, and lured thousands of Moroccans into joining it in Tindouf where they are still held against their will.  

Some domestic and foreign  newspaper articles on Gjijimat Conference

Aujourd'hui le Maroc: Ms Naba Deddah El Meki, member of Gjijimat group

"Embezzlement of humanitarian aid is systematic"
Naba Deddah El Meki, former responsible for the distribution of humanitarian aid to Tindouf explained to ALM how Polisario, in complicity with Algerian authorities, diverted humanitarian aid intended for hostages.

ALM: What it really going on in Tindouf camps?
Naba Deddah El Meki: I lived in the Tindouf camps from 1979 to early 2008. Throughout this period, I have held various positions: head of the Youth Office, a teacher and a corporal. The situation is simply disastrous; Polisario leadership takes advantage from the conflict while the majority of sequestered people are needy. Worse, they have become an instrument of asking charity from international NGOs. 

How does Polisario leadership manage to get humanitarian aid?
Polisario leadership has made a lot of money by using hostages. It used a horrifying description of the situation in the camps to get aid, is subsequently diverted to their original objectives. Polisario distributes only a small part of this aid, while the rest is sent to Mauritania, Algeria and Mali, to be resold onto the black market. Time has come to inform international public opinion about the real destination of the humanitarian aid which enriches Polisario at the expense of the sequestered. The most influential members of the front have now accounts containing millions of dollars in European banks, in addition to luxury homes in Algeria, Spain and Mauritania.   


What arguments could you put forward to prove aid embezzlement?
There so many examples. Once they arrive on site, international NGOs representatives ask to meet those who will take aids. Polisario officials bring young girls, still minor but presented as mothers of families composed of six members or more. These girls are chosen from the ones who are close members of the front leadership. Sometimes people put pressure on them to keep them silent.   

Algerians also take part in these operations. I can assure you that every year some 200 to 300 caravans carrying aid (children's toys, nappies, perfumes) offered by Spanish NGOs, once arrived in Algeria, are redirected to warehouses of some of the powerful men of the Algerian intelligence, in agreement with Polisario leadership.

Could you tell us examples of embezzlement operations you witnessed?
There is the affair of medical scanner offered to the population in Tindouf by a Swiss NGO, which was transported then resold in Mauritania, by a Polisario senior official. When members of this NGO came afterwards for the installation, they did not find it. The scanner was missing. For fear that this scandal would adversely affect their image before the international public opinion, Polisario leaders sent the army to Zouerate in Mauritania to pick up the scanner and bring it back to the camps. There is also the case of an Italian NGO, which funded the construction of a hospital against one billion and 400 million Algerian dinars. This was a real scandal. At the inauguration, Italians were shocked to see that the hospital did not look like what it should be.  

They realized that their funds were diverted from their goal and sent to the accounts of some members of the Polisario leadership. This scam was conducted by Bouchraya Bayoun, who is now representative of Polisario in Spain.

How to remedy the situation?
International NGOs must assume their responsibility. They should conduct themselves the distribution of aid to those who have rights, or suspend them and wait the setting up of control mechanisms. Polisario leadership has developed a system that allows it to hide the truth and mislead foreign media, such as exaggerating the number of people living in the camps, which do not exceed 50 thousand people. Polisario claims to be around 200,000.

Asharq Alawsat: Polisario elders call the leadership to accept autonomy proposal

They appeal the United Nations to intervene to end the suffering of the population camps

Gjijimat (Tifariti suburbs) - Polisario elders meeting in «Gjijimat» in Tifariti suburbs, buffer zone in the desert, appealed the United Nations and the international community to intervene to put an end to the suffering of the people in Polisario camps who are living bad social, economic conditions. 

Important tribal personalities urged to find a quick solution to the problem of the Sahara, calling on Polisario leadership to accept the autonomy proposal made by Morocco to settle this conflict as the most appropriate solution proposed. It also enjoys broad international support, they said.

Congressmen organized several protests in different parts of the Sahara for the past three days, refusing « Polisario’s tyranny and poor management» of their cause which enters the fourth decade, without any signs of a just settlement seeming near. They are desperately in need of such settlement with regard to the current difficult life and security suffered by the population.

Congress spokesman, Hmad Ould Driouch, set foreign bodies responsible for setting obstacles to reaching a solution to the Sahara problem. He called in this context to put an end to trading in this file «beneficial to just a few people at the expense of others», he said.
  Ould Darwish said in a lengthy speech that most of the aid provided to the Sahrawi people, are sold in other regions of Mauritania, Mali, by prominent leaders in the front, which increases the magnitude of the difficulties facing the population in Lahmada camps who find themselves forced to migrate elsewhere in search of daily food.

  Potesters strongly denied the accusations against them of taking bribes from certain elements of the Moroccan government to carry out such activities, in conjunction with the Conference of the Polisario Front in the buffer zone, noting that these rumors are part of malicious propaganda campaign aimed to cover up the reality of the Polisario Front, which became  fragile from inside after the growing divisions in its ranks, and its inability to find an appropriate solution to end the conflict over the Sahara for more than thirty years.

This is the first time where the voices of opposition are heard from within the Front. According to one of the activists, they were going to hold a parallel Congress with the Front Conference to express their rejection of the policy pursued by the leadership, adding that the harassment they faced led them to forego this step and go to other parts of the Sahara to perform their mission at any cost.

The opponents of the Front, expressed in «Gjijimat statement» their support for self-government to «provide a dignified and decent conditions for the return of our people to their homes in the framework of democracy, freedom and respect for human rights. It will be an opportunity to be compensated materially and morally for their suffering during this period of time ». Delegates also expressed at the conclusion of the protest gathering held under the slogan «Autonomy as final solution for reconciliation and return»  support  to the «approach » followed by the President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, under the auspices and guidance of King Mohammed VI

Al Hayat newspaper: the voices raised in Gjijimat Congress are those who suffer in Tindouf

The voices raised in Gjijimat Congress, held during the "Polisario" congress by Chioukhs and chiefs of Saharan tribes, are those who "suffer the most in the Tindouf camps," writes "Al Hayat" newspaper.  

In its Friday edition, the paper believes that "what Polisario really needs is not the threat of war that it has never won, but to make self-criticism after three decades of obstacles that have impeded the realization of the Maghreb aspirations for peace, stability and integration".

Khalihenna: Smara Call came after spontaneous response to autonomy

"There is no need for (Polisario) to take refuge in what it considers the defense of self-determination principle or other commitments but the most important thing for it is to adopt the best approach to enable the region achieve its objectives of relaxation, reconciliation and understanding in order to chase away superficial disputes, says Al Hayat. 

"Polisario" is now different from what it was during the outbreak of the conflict in the context of a cold war characterized by "ideological domination and the use of the regime contradictions in the region," said the newspaper, adding that "Polisario" is not responsible for the continuation of the conflict alone, because it "is part of a system encompassing regional relations, historical and ideological influences and fields of competition and conflict".

By presenting an initiative to grant a broad autonomy to the southern provinces, Morocco has adopted "a compromise formula to the international community" which guarantees people democratic management of their local affairs, being convinced that restoring security and stability is priceless, said "Al Hayat".

According to the newspaper, Gjijimat Congress was held by the sheikhs and heads of Saharan tribes, who have called on "Polisario" leadership to accept the proposal to grant a broader autonomy to the Sahara, adopt a political solution and dedicate internal democracy. 

Khalihenna: Gjijimat Conference is a break in Plisario pyramid

On the occasion of the second regular session of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs in Smara, Corcas chairman, Mr. Khalihenna ould Errachid held an important press conference.


Below full text of this conference:

Introduction By Mr. Chairman:

    Smara, which hosts this session and at the same time is an occasion to clarify all the questions that must be cleared about the Sahara, or to correct the information on the current situation, especially in relation to large-scale division, within tribes in the ranks of Polisario, which is currently represented in Gjijimat Congress in the suburbs of Tifariti for the first time since 1975. This is not an escape of a personality or a leader from the Polisario but it is a separation of the base of the pyramid. Tribes are protesting in the buffer zone in northern Mauritania. They express trough the press their support for autonomy and their rejection of the current situation. Let’s open questions session , there will be a question from the right and a question from the north.

Question: We want more details on Gjijimat Congress and separation. Do you have any initiative to protect people if subjected to any risk  

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: this is a very important question, let me answer. Gjijimat is located at 20 kilometers Southeast of Tifariti ie it lays between Tifariti and the Mauritanian border. The Conference was held on 14 but it was on the edge of the Moroccan Mauritanian border. Therefore, the Mauritanian authorities represented by the Governor of Oum Grine, which is located 200 km from the same site and issued a decree banning this conference in relation to least the construction of tents. He asked people to remove the tents and the reason is that Mauritania is worried about the outbreak of conflict in the region. when this occurred and by the intervention of police forces the tribes dispersed in the same area and reached the press: Aljazeera, which completed the first reporting in the same region, and Al-Arabiya and Al Hurra, who volunteered to go 500 kilometers from Zouerate to the region in these difficult security conditions. Now the tribes are still in the region, and of course we are making contact with these brothers. They issued a statement called Gjijimat Declaration which has been published and which clearly reflects their suffering and their rejection of the political approach by the Polisario Front. We are arranging the protection of these people as individuals and as groups, to bring them home. Of course, this would be a large-scale arrangements and requires human, financial and logistical arrangements. However, they are under our protection, we are providing security for them and they secure themselves since they know the region. People who organized Gjijimat Congress are from the following tribes: Rguibat Swaed Tribe, Rguibat Ouled Moussa Tribe, Rguibat Ouled Skeikh, Rguibat Ouled Daoud, Ouled Dlim,  Ouled Ben Sbaa. Ben

Those who did not have permission to accede were not allowed in as you know,  Tindouf camps are on the Mauritanian and Algerian-Moroccan border. All those who wanted to come to this region should pass from this gateway. They tried to prevent people to participate which caused unrest in the camps. People who were prevented from participating, distributed leaflets during the past three days. The last publication is dated yesterday. We of course have the copy of the publication I will send it to news agencies. 

Polisario took two key decisions. First to prevent people from leaving the camps and second imposing military siege to prevent leakage and sabotage. As you can see on TV the military aspect is prevailing in the Congress. 

Now the situation in the region is that there are tribes in various regions. Now we are preparing logistically for their return. Some of them are with members of their families and others their wives and their children are still in the camps and are now in a dilemma between whether to come back individually or stay in the camps and see ways to come back together.  There is great tension in this region, there is anarchy in the camps and in Tifariti. Of course, we are trying to deliver food and relief to these brothers and especially basic relief that we have tried to deliver them and the media to say their suffering to the world. 

Q: Now we have entered in your framework, is this an attempt from the other party to take advantage of this historic opportunity is it for Polisario, or people you said they are not free to take decision.

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: I said that leadership is not free in its decision, and people are not free in terms of participation in decision-making. What is the question

Question: the meeting of the Advisory Council

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: the Royal Advisory Council, I do not want the press to use the wrong name, its name is the Royal Advisory Council, not the Advisory Council the word “Royal” is so important. 

Question: this meeting is an appeal to the Polisario to use this historic opportunity for the Moroccan and before the third round of negotiations

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: Yes, I mean we're going to issue Smara call. What I want to transmit is that there is a problem within Polisario whose leadership is now divided in relation to decisions to be taken regarding  the future of  people who are in Tindouf. people want the leadership to engage in a positive way in negotiations and negotiate in regard to the application of self-government. The leadership has another agenda and this is why Gjijimat Congress was held. People in the camps say that the current leadership of Polisario is not competent to approve self-government. 

Question: In order not ignore some development observed in recent years there is an Algerian policy in supporting Polisario, and this was culminated recently by threat and use of weapons while Morocco has a different policy 
Is Morocco betting hundred percent on negotiations and political and peaceful solution

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: First, I want to say something. The threat of waging war is not true. I emphasize that Polisario does not have means to wage war. This is a diplomatic bargaining to the international community and primarily the United Nations. Plosario has no material,  physical and psychological means to engage in war except if it intends to commit suicide. War decision can not be taken by Polisario only. Therefore, personally, I do not believe in this war issue as it is part of psychological propaganda against Morocco and the United Nations. 

How Polisario can make war while in deplorable conditions in respect of internal solidarity, internal unity and internal division, and topics related to nutrition. Polisario is now heading rapidly towards political, diplomatic and human collapse.  

This is a purely propagandistic issue and I ask the press not to give it much interest. Mr. Mohamed Abdul Aziz yesterday said that war was not an option for them, but we discussed it a possibility. Polisario does not have any means to launch war against Morocco at any time today and in the future

Question: What to do if Polisario’s Congress remains in its position
will Morocco resist forever or there are some other channels that it may use, especially that this concerns the fate of thousands of people detained who want to return to their country  

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: first an answer to this question is premature. We are at a turning point that concerns Polisario itself. there is now division within the Polisario Front, based as I said on protest by the population and an unrest between the population and the leadership. So there is pressure from within Polisario and will allow people to put further pressure to soften its stance in negotiations if its goal is to reach a result. However, if the goal is to delay or respect another agenda other than the interests of Saharans division will grow up between the base and the leadership resulting about a civil war within Polisario.  

Question: Mr. President, you said a while ago during your opening speech that you are going to discuss autonomy plan and you hope that the next round in Manhasset will be occasion to highlight the good faith of the opponents.
Do you hope that they will respond to you

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: there is hope because within the leadership there are prominent people who say that options after Manhasset 1 and 2, do not lead to the result. This point of view is not among the leadership who has final decision. If they join the leadership on 18th or if some of them join the leadership there will be some change and if they are eliminated the trend will remain the same. 

Polisario Front is split between two sections: one part is subject to the intelligence and field effects of those who deal with them in this context, the others who help remain in the leadership and responding to the citizens aspirations to engage in genuine negotiations and end the problem.

This is the real problem, there is one to take decision in this direction.

Therefore if people who talked to me and who agree on autonomy, but have not much power take the reins of leadership, or at least some of them we will see that they are working in this direction.  

But if the radicals still hold the leadership this means that this is intelligence direction against autonomy and this would bring about trouble and many major problems for them. They imposed a preparatory committee for the conference, which included the whole. They shaped a programme and submitted it  to neighborhoods, districts and all organizations. Closed discussion between the Preparatory Commission and all the bodies had been internal dissension for the Polisario.
What are the substantive questions: Where are we walking? What is the objective? Will you leave this? Will the corrupt people be excluede? How much time we will stay here in Tindouf? Questions without answers.

They told people this is what we will discuss at the conference and there will be some modification, however, I do not expect modification which will be of great disappointment and rapid developments towards gradual collapse, at least not only for the Polisario Front, but the collapse of the institution set up for more than one third of a century.

Question: So this will serve the interest of Morocco?

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: Of course, I Morocco has not achieved for 32 years a similar victory in the region. The International community supports this solution and blames Polisario Front and Algeria for hosting the movement and not helping to engage in serious negotiations.   

Question: I have three questions, first is you repeat your sppeches at every visit. Don’t you think that the region’s problems deserve to be given due importance?

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: history is the core of the problem. History will decide whether The Sahara is Moroccan or not. Is separation an old idea in the mind of Saharans, is separation is inherited from the ancestors, is separation based on objective historical community issues, were we a different nation with management and a separate decision from Morocco? I say to those who say this to you and others, separation can not be built on history whether far or near. Separation can be built on problems, as you say, but these problems can never justify separation. You can justify demonstrations and sit-ins but can not get to secession. I’m addressing Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, whose father is a member of corcas and the leadership whose fathers were in the Liberation Army and participated in Rghiwa battle, those who participated in the Dchira, I’m addressing those who know exactly the interpretation of my speech.

Social problems will be examined all the other socio-economic and political problems as well as issues related to human rights will be discussed. Everything should be discussed within it context. The word separation is out of context but the other things are at hand. 

Question: You talked about autonomy as the best solution to solve the problem of Western Sahara, Mr. President, do not you think that, without full reconciliation with all Saharans autonomy can not be applied?
And what is the meaning behind Polisario’s armed struggle in this particular circumstance?

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: autonomy is in itself reconciliation. Polisario or some of the Saharans demanded secession for the reasons everybody knows. I studied in and was president of the PNUS. Spain offered me a state and I refused. I do not want to secede I want to join Morocco. Those who studied in Mohammed V University including the Secretary-General and others said no because that was a leftist time in Morocco, the time of Marxism-Leninism and monarchies were considered backward. They were affected by the general international and domestic atmosphere at that time. They adopted the ideas of the time and I understand this. However, this should have been remained academic ideas is because all young people go through this stage: ideological revolution maturity and pragmatism. I tell these brothers that autonomy is reconciliation because Morocco has made a lot of concessions by giving a large part of its land and soil which are part of its political, economic, and social and cultural privacy. Therefore, the option  itself is a historic reconciliation, expiation of the errors committed by the State since 1956 against Saharans deliberately or inadvertently, in terms of economy marginalization, isolation and lack of consideration.  

Autonomy is a political and human compensation, then it is in itself a recognition that the State made mistakes in the past for a long time. It does not concern one person  but the state administration in general and is now offering something great  which is reconciliation.

With regard to war, it is out of place and an issue of propaganda and demagoguery without any value because it is not well founded and not applicable.  

Question: Polisario is holding its Congress in Tifariti while negotiations are so close and Morocco considers its proposal as final solution.
what do you expect in this situation?

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: First, you know that Polisario had already delayed its Congress for one year and half. This Congress was delayed due to divisions within the Polisario Front. Now the Congress is taking place in Tifariti and we do not expect anything from it. It  does not want peace through negotiation and autonomy as final solution.

These divisions were fueled and deepened by he announcement by a group of tribal elders to hold another Congress called Gjijimat.

Question: Is it possible to solve the problem without going through Algeria?

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: I still have the the same belief. Algiers says it is not a party in the conflict and this is what the Kingdom of Morocco want. Morocco accepted to negotiate because Algeria says that this UN conflict and involved only because it takes place on the edge of its territory because and it is hosting refugees and has positions based on the principles relating to respect for self-determination.

With regard to the position of Algeria in the negotiations, we have not so far seen any impact that we can consider positive impact meaning convincing Polisario to engage or through indirect more flexible way. It is true that Polisario includes Algeria because the conflict is on its territory since it hosts camps, military organization and many individuals that it backs financially and diplomatically. It is so cautious to make any position because it can bring about many things.

I therefore think that Algeria has so far no clear position is still calling for obvious things, but it has not made no important step, it is just letting them swimming in contradictions.

I still believe that Algeria may play a major part especially if there is a popular change in the camps.

Therefore, there is no change my position. This issue is connected with the construction of the Maghreb and has impact on our bilateral relations between the two countries. I personally hope that one day Algeria will change its position leave Polisario free to take its position and its decision.  

Question: Mr. President, within Corcas, what steps can be taken to prepare the ground for the newborn autonomy
Second question: the Secretary-General report spoke about the need to engage in substantive matters. The report warned against useless negotiations.

How can Morocco get into the heart of negotiations?

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: With respect to the first question, this sentence means what follows: no party can change Morocco’s position with regard to autonomy by stalling or delaying thinking that it would bury Morocco’s project. We entered into a series of negotiations and entered in arduous and difficult negotiations, but were advantageous to us since we have a serious project. The other party is subject to contradictions.

In any case, the next round means that Morocco will make a decision at the appropriate time when it deems appropriate.

Concernign the second question…

Journalist: the next round and engaging in substantive issues

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: the negotiations is based the fact that the Moroccan project is serious and credible. Therefore, it is the basis for negotiation. The 1783 resolution made this clear. It said that the negotiation is based on the developments that took place in 2006 and the new development in 2006 was autonomy. Polisario demands explicitly to return to old plan or 91 plan ie identification. This plan was buried with the resolution 1754 and created a new procedure concerning the Sahara that will be built on the outcome of direct negotiations and good faith, if agreed by the parties in these negotiations. Therefore there is no previous resolutions and no Baker Plan. We say to Polisario the referendum is impossible and identification is impossible, so, you have two choices: negotiations on autonomy basis or you have to say explicitly to the international community and Sahrawis that you do not want a solution.

 Gjijimat is a popular basis including elders youth, women and children at the level of tribes I mentioned earlier. Therefore it is represents better and threatens the existence of Polisario since the latter is based on the existence of the camps and therefore if the basis is lost Polisario will lose its popular support. This is a source of collapse. Its position is confusing and contradictory, some day it says war another day negotiations and another day no solution. This is really its position, it has not made its mind; this is its psychological situation. 

It will have great challenges, including Manhasset 3 if people waiting change are disappointed. They will be disappointed because Abdel Aziz, Bouhali, Akik, Abdelkader, Mohammed Salek and Mohammed Khaddad will remain. There will be no change and military leaders will stay there is no change on 18. There will be only disappointment then, if it will not carry out reasonable negotiation in Manhasset diplomatic efforts will collapse since the positions of the United States of America, France and Spain. You have all heard the statements and positions. The international community believes that Polisario is hampering of the Organization of the United Nations in reaching a solution satisfactory to all.

Question: Mr. President, back to Gjijimat, you said that a group of tribes want to return to the homeland, in honor and dignity

Khalihenna : supporting autonomy

Question:return the homeland, in honor and dignity, according to the statement, you said that there is a set of financial, psychological and logistical actions and that there are arrangements to be prepared.
By whom? That is the question 

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: by whom? By the Moroccan State

Question: And the Royal Council

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: the State, the Royal Council, the Moroccan State is therefore to take and is in the way of taking all necessary measures in cooperation with the Council

Question: Mr. President, How many people gathering in Gjijimat 

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: One Thousand
Question: Mr. Khalihenna, concerning the situation of the brothers in Gjijimat, is there any contact with civil society and international organizations in order to highlight this political event? 

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: of course now the Foreign Minister is taking all wide-ranging actions in this direction.  The state, by order of His Majesty the King, has taken the necessary decisions with regard the preparation of a large-scale program in respect of housing to accommodate these displaced people concerning getting their children and their families out of the camps and provision of all necessary conditions for their decent and proper return to be a model and an example of the new Morocco approach to address this issue at all levels.

Therefore, there is now diplomatic action including with the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, as well as Algeria

There are now procedures at all levels, including the United Nations, MINURSO and everything related to this particular matter and the consequences of Gjijimat Congress...
On this occasion, we should praise media that have interviewed our brothers Brotherhood and difficult conditions faced by journalists and technicians.


The Moroccan first TV channel received Corcas Chairman following the conclusion of the second regular session in the city of Smara to talk about the session's recommendations and final statement 

Here follows full text:

- Broadcaster of The first Moroccan Channel: After work days the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs concluded its second regular session in Samara. In order to shed light on this statement, we receive the Chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid. What is the importance of the recommendations and the Statement which was issued after the Works?

- Khalihenna Ould Errachid: We called them Smara call, since it is addressed to our brothers in the Polisario Front and to our brothers in the Tindouf camps in general, to ask them accept the reality and reason and to draw lessons from the past and what they suffered. Indeed, this appeal came after the automatic response met by the autonomy project by a large number of people in Tindouf camps when they held a special conference to announce their support to autonomy initiated by His Majesty the King, and their support to the King’s policy to settle the Sahara conflict, namely Gjijimat conference.

This conference coincided with the convening of this session and was in fact a response to the Council's policy guided by His Majesty the King, i.e. the policy of compromise reconciliation and dialogue. We believe that convening such a conference in the suburbs of Tifariti and its explicit backing to autonomy and to the policy of His Majesty the King is the result of the exerted efforts to end this conflict and also reflects the inhabitants’ fatigue and the urgent desire to return to their homes safely, and to engage in a process of development, happiness, progress and prosperity. I think that this appeal did not come from a vacuum but came because it expresses the genuine desire and a genuine reconciliation and reunification. This is the only real, reasonable, and realistic solution that will enable all Sahrawis handle their political, economic and social affairs under Moroccan sovereignty   without the intervention of any party. This is what most of people believe in. But there is still a group of people who say that Polisario is not yet ready to reconcile, but we hope that pressure will undergo from citizens and requests, will make them accept this solution and sign the agreement within the framework of the United Nations in the near term, God willing.

Broadcaster: Thank you, Mr. chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs.

 Source: Corcas
News and events concerning Western Sahara issue/ CORCAS




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