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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs called yesterday, Monday, on political forces and civil society in Andalusia to support the autonomy proposal for the southern provinces", which meets the requirements of the Saharans." Said Ould Errachid, addressing Andalusia MPS.

The visit will be marked by a meeting with Mr. Manuel Chavez, President of the Government of Andalusia, and many government officials, party members, academics and media.

Corcas delegation is composed of: Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid, chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, Secretary General, Maoulainain Ben Khalihenna- Kalthoum Khayyat - Masoud Ramadan - Hussein Beida - Moulay Ahmed Mghaizlat - Gajmoula Bent Abi – Charif Hsna - Abdel-Aziz - Khaddad Moussaoui

June 5, 2006

Council Activities in Sevilla

Council delegation meets with spokesman of Socialist Parliamentary Group

Francisco Prados: I hope that Polisario will accept autonomy  to safeguard the interests of the Mediterranean  peoples

  Malga Mayor in a meeting on Wednesday, with a delegation headed by corcas chairman supported   autonomy initiative to find a lasting solution through dialogue and compromise. 

following the speech by Mr. Khalihenna that Malaga wants the stability of Morocco, which can not be achieved without a final solution to the problem of the Sahara, hoping that Polisario will accept the autonomy proposal to preserve the interests of all the peoples of the Mediterranean.

He expressed support for Morocco and its policy, and non-conditional support for Morocco in the Sahara issue, committed to playing an active role in ending the problem through the convergence of views between the parties.

He highlighted distinguished links between Malaga and Morocco, due to common history and geographical proximity.

Council delegation meets the president of Manilva Municipal Council

Salvador Zatano: the Moroccan proposal important opens the door for dialogue and consensus

A delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met on Wednesday with Mr. Salvador Zatano, Mayor of Manilva, (South of Malaga), in the context of three-day visit to Andalusia to explain the contents of the Moroccan proposal to resolve the Sahara dispute and see the progress of autonomy in the region, at the economic, human and historical levels. 

Following this meeting, Salvador Zatano made a press statement on the Moroccan proposal to grant autonomy to the Sahara described as "important, and said:" This proposal is important opening the doors for dialogue and consensus and ensuring political progress, and this certainly helps to create definitive solution to this historic conflict. "

  The Andalusian official also expressed his appreciation for the visit of the delegation saying: "I am happy about the delegation's visit, President and members of their presence here making our country a platform for numerous meetings. I wish them great luck. I hope this new political process will encourage the establishment of a platform for peace and dialogue.

Evaluation of Corcas tour in the region of Andalusia 

Khalihenna: Andalusian Tour was a success

Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid described the delegation's three day visit  to Andalusia as "successful", especially on the subject of autonomy as a final solution to the 30 year conflict in the Sahara .

Our visit to the Andalusia region was successful and it was characterized by various meetings relating to the Andalusia Parliament and the parliamentary groups as well as the political parties and the government, the Head of the Andalusia government, university professors specialized in law, press and TV.

The results of this visit were positive regarding the discussed subjects notably those relating to the autonomy project and the final solution of the 30 years-old Saharan conflict. Besides, during this visit, there were meetings in Seville, capital of the Andalusia Province and in Malaga, the second economic city of Andalusia where we met the Mayor, the Chairman of the Council Province and the civil, economic, cultural and media society.

Debates shed light on the reasons behind this conflict in the region and the clogged roads to which the United Nations arrived concerning the implementation of an impossible referendum and the necessity to go forward in order to find another adequate solution for the conflict and its origin, especially regarding the autonomy suggested by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI May God Glorify him, and which will be the model for the Arab world and African Continent concerning this kind of regional conflicts.

Of course, our friends and neighbours in Andalusia who really know the region and Morocco and have wide political and economic relationships with Morocco, the political parties, Parliament, Government, local electors and civil society whom we contacted, confirmed this democratic method practiced and still in practice by Spain to solve its democratic problems relating to affairs management by the nations constituting Spain.

Spain supports, or at least, the authorities we met totally supported and understood this Moroccan project and they promised to assist us in starting dialogue and negotiation with our friends in the Polisario Front, so as to definitly end up this problem in a way that goes hand in hand with the Sahrawis' request which is the establishment of a real autonomy meeting the historical requirements or needs of this region.


Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid,  Chairman of the Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs and his accompanying delegation, held on Monday, in the presence of the Consul General of the Kingdom in Seville a meeting with Mr. Manuel Garcia Navarro, the spokesman of the Socialist Parliamentary Group of the Regional Parliament of Andalusia. 

Mr. Manuel García Navarro stressed his party's position supporting the dialogue mechanism to resolve disputes peacefully, especially when it comes to conflicts, such as the Sahara dispute. He considered the meeting an opportunity to listen to the point of view of the Council.

Afterwards, Mr. chairman took the floor and raised the following themes:
- Corcas mission to find a solution to the problem
- Overview of the visit by Ocrcas to Madrid and the Canary Islands
- Andalusia has historical and economic ties with Morocco
- The experience of self-government in Andalusia a model to follow
- His Majesty the King wanted to put an end to the problem of the Sahara according to international legitimacy
- The report of the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, calls for direct negotiations to reach a solution satisfactory to all parties
- Failure of the referendum in the early nineties due to the non respect of geographical extension of Saharan tribes, and whose implementation would apply a change in the borders of the neighboring countries of Morocco, Algeria, Mali and Mauritania
- free, honest and democratic referendum is not possible
- the option of war brought about tragedies,
- The solution is political, under Moroccan sovereignty, according to international law
- The solution is self-government in response to the historical demands of Saharans maintaining Saharan identity,
- Take advantage of the Spanish experience in the field of self-government
- Corcas aims to put an end to this conflict
- Reconciliation with everyone, especially the Polisario Front
- we ask for help to achieve this solution
- The Saharan region between the four borders is chaotic, where no law or system is reigning and where the phenomenon of trafficking in all its forms is growing: men, weapons, drugs and terrorism
- The region may turn into another Afghanistan
- Self-government advanced system of self-determination, with parliamentary institutions and local government coming from the ballot box
- Autonomy achieves national unity
- Mororcco, under His Majesty the King of Morocco, the young courageous man knew significant progress towards democracy, women's rights, turning the page on the past in the field of human rights and adapting the Islamic religion with the modern requirements
- Our desire to take advantage of the Spanish experience
- 141 members of Corcas is representing the Saharan community
- We want reconciliation with our brothers in the camps
- Self-government will contribute to stability in the region and its surroundings, through the activation of the international building the Maghreb and reduction of illegal immigration and religious extremism
- We call upon our friends in Spain to work to support this solution, especially the government parliamentary and political support of Andalusia

Mr. Manuel Garcia Navarro:

- Self-government has been existing in Andalusia for 25 years
- Self- government in Andalusia is autonomous with independent Parliament and democratic government
- We enjoy large powers in the fields of health, education, social services and economy
- Political autonomy a key factor in the development of Andalusia, we are now importing labour instead if exporting it
- We have a special relationship with the Saharan people
- Andalusia people sympathize with the plight of children in the camps
- This solidarity is humanitarian not political, we support a solution that respects human rights

Mr. President took the floor here, addressing the following elements:

- The identity of the Sahrawi people
- Respect for the Andalusian assistance to the children of the camps
- Polisario brings children to Andalusia to gain the sympathy of the Andalusian people
- Aid should include all Sahrawis whether in the camps, or in the south of Morocco
- Polisario Front is not the sole representative of Sahrawis
- Suffering in the camps requires a final political solution as aid is not a solution to the problem
- Self-government is the only solution to this conflict
- Andalusian people should be a link between Corcas and Polisario
- Self-governing historic reconciliation
- Autonomy victory for all parties
- Corcas involved in the preparation of an autonomy plan that Morocco will sublimit to the United Nations
- The Polisario Front is political and military dogmatic movement
- We want Polisario Front to become a political realistic and pragmatic movement

Mr. Manuel García Navarro expressed hope to promote cooperation between Andalusia and the south of Morocco, and committed himself to help dialogue between Polisario and Corcas.

Mr Manuel Garcia. Farrow:

The visit was very useful because it enabled us to put forward and exchange views in a frank and serious way. I want to say that the Socialist Parliamentary Group in the Andalusian parliament knows and understands the situation and the problem in the Sahara. We want a solution that respects international law and UN report. We also hope it will be agreed upon by all parties, a solution that will guarantee interests of all Sahrawis. In this direction, we are ready for cooperation and assistance, and we wish to make further efforts to promote transparency and openness between the Andalusian and Moroccan peoples to view the situation accurately.

Chairman of Socialist Party Group: 

Manuel Garcia Faro: We are ready to help resolve the Sahara issue

  Mr. Manuel Garcia Faro, Chairman of Socialist Party in Andalusia said after a meeting with Corcas delegation Alkourkas, on a visit to Andalusia to explain the contents of the Moroccan proposal to resolve the conflict in the Sahara, said that "the visit was very useful because it enabled us to put forward and exchange views in a frank and serious way." 

He added: "I want to say that the Socialist Parliamentary Group in the Andalusian parliament knows and understands the situation and the problem of the Sahara. We want in turn to have a solution that respects international law, UN report and which is agreed by all parties, a solution that will guarantee interests of all Sahrawis. In this direction, we are ready for cooperation and assistance, and we wish to make further efforts to promote transparency and openness between the Andalusian and Moroccan peoples to view the situation accurately. " 

Corcas Delegation at a Press Conference in Seville

Khalihenna: Polisario Front in difficult situation and does not respond to the realities of global changes

Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid and the delegation accompanying him made on Monday, a press conference in Seville in the context of a visit by the delegation to Andalusia to explain the contents of the Moroccan proposal to resolve the Sahara dispute.

Mr. President started the conference with an introductory speech in which he presented the following topics:

- Corcas definition: Royal institution set up by His Majesty the King on 25/03/2006 in Laayoune, composed of 141 members representing various Saharan tribes, political organizations, trade unions and some former political prisoners. It is an appointed not elected institution in accordance with the representation traditions in the South. Its main task is to find a solution to the dispute over the Sahara through reconciliation with immediate effect with our brothers in Polisario.
- Autonomy is the ultimate solution to this issue, which will be submitted by Morocco in October to the United Nations
- Autonomy is a known and advanced system in Spain.
- Autonomy is designed to meet the historical and necessary needs and demands of the Saharan population, while maintaining the Saharan specificities and personality as one component of the Moroccan people, who played major roles in the modern and old Moroccan history
- Autonomy experiences are diversified across the world (Spain, Germany, Belgium ...) as a form of self-determination against secession
- Autonomy, form of democracy participation and integration within the mother State
- A brief overview on the status of the conflict through the option of war and its disastrous effects. Peace process and its deficiencies that made it unworkable bringing about radical change to the map of the border countries
- Moroccan King Mohammed VI, the young King of Morocco, which wants to make the state respond to the requirements of modern times at the same time maintain the fixed principles, and wants a solution to the problem by giving the Sahara region and the population participatory democratic means respecting Sahrawi personality and maintaining national sovereignty

- Corcas delegation visit to the Spanish capital Madrid and meetings held there with the actors, political decision-makers, trade unions and strategic studies institutes
- The current visit aims to get inspired by international experience in the field of self-government, especially the Spanish experience as a model of unity, internal solidarity and economic, social and cultural development
- So far, the visit is a success
- This visit is also an opportunity for us to ask our brothers in Spain to use lobbying and mediation to make Polisario Front accept dialogue and negotiation
- We ask our brothers in the Polisario Front to abandon dogmatism and adopt realistic and pragmatic policy
- The reality of the region calls for speeding up the solution because of the magnitude of the challenges, especially illegal immigration and smuggling of every hue
- We want stability in the region as it might turn into a box of gunpowder that can explode at any moment
- Autonomy gain and victory for all: Morocco will preserve its territorial sovereignty. Algeria will get out of the conflict in dignity. Sahrawis and Polisario Front will have their legitimate and historical demands

The media questions focused on what follows:

- Corcas stages in the preparation of autonomy plan
- The status of the Polisario Front and its current position
- Autonomy criteria
- Position of the political parties that have been in dialogue with Spain
- The central position of the Socialist Labor Party
- Polisario activity in Laayoune
- Corcas and Saharan representation
- King and Corcas
- What is required from the Spanish political parties
- Self-determination referendum
- Polisario participation in the preparation of autonomy
- Humanitarian assistance to the camps

In response to these questions, Mr. President raised the following points:

- Corcas special session 25/26/27 May 2006, which focused on autonomy plan by 141 members. The session was open until the completion of all elements of the project which we will be submitted to His Majesty the King within the next month of September. This project does not exclude anyone, including our brothers in the Polisario Front, which we hope it will participate in this preparation.
- Polisario Front is in difficult situation. It does not respond to the realities of global transformations as a dogmatic movement based on single party and single opinion coupling between political and military aspects.
- Polisario Front does not represent Sahrawis
- We want to negotiate with it as a political pragmatic and realistic party. The situation of the camps inhabitants is of concern, because they have been suffering for over 30 years from poverty and deprivation.
- Self-governance standards are in line with international standards, where power is shared between the center and autonomy institutions
- sovereignty elements are clear and the rest are negotiable
- We call Spanish political parties to mediate and intervene to help us go to the negotiating table with our brothers in Polisario
- Our meeting with the Spanish Socialist Labour Party was positive and we received full support
- Relationship between Spain and Morocco are distinguished
- There are young people in Laayoune who freely express their separatist ideas without any problem, they move internally and externally without barriers example Aminatou Haidara and Ali Salem Tamek, though they form a minority. 40 people met with human rights envoy of the United Nations who visited Laayoune, stayed for three days and acknowledged that there is no violation of the freedom of opinion and expression. On the other hand, people live in camps in inhumane conditions in a climate of lack of freedom of opinion and expression. No one can criticize the front’s policy. Absence of pluralism. Absence of the press. But the question is why the Spanish media keep silent although they revere democracy and human rights about violations and atrocities in the Tindouf especially at this moment that the region is cut off from the world?
- The question of representativeness is clear the camps population are one third and the Sahara population two-thirds
- Corcas is not autonomy, but a royal institution working to create objective conditions for the achievement of self-government.
- Corcas is appointed by the King and not an elected institution
- We want an autonomy taking into account the international standards of democracy and human rights in line with the Moroccan specificities
- Autonomy’s major impact in the modernization of the Moroccan State
- the visit and the coming visits designed to enhance consultations with our neighbors and mediation in order to activate negotiations with our brothers in the camps
- Referendum is not feasible politically and technically
- Autonomy is for all Sahrawis including Polisario,
- We contacted a number of associations that support and sympathize with Polisari
- These associations are not neutral
- We ask them to deal with all Sahrawis, without exception. 

Council delegation meets with teachers of Law, Pablo de Olavide, University of Seville 

The delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met on Monday in Seville with professors of Law, at Pablo de Olavide University, in the context of a visit by the delegation to Andalusia to explain the contents of the Moroccan proposal to resolve the Sahara dispute.


The President took the floor in order to define Corcas. He addressed the following elements:

- Overview of the meetings held by the Moroccan delegation with Spanish officials. The visit objective is to take advantage of the Spanish experience in the field of self-government as the closest geographically to the south of Morocco
- The visit of the delegation to the capital Madrid, the content of the meetings held there
- Self-government is the only way out of the dispute over the Sahara
- The Sahara problem causes instability in the region and hinders the building of any of the Maghreb
- War left a humanitarian disaster
- The failure of the peace plan approved by the United Nations, which was built on the principle of self-determination through the identification as a unique model that has not been applied in any conflict in the world
- The peace plan implies changing borders of Morocco, Algeria, Mali and Mauritania
- The United Nations said in its report for the month of April it was impossible to implement the referendum, and the need to resort to negotiation to find a solution satisfactory to all parties
- The region in front of two options: either to keep the situation as it is and its humanitarian consequences with the people staying in a foreign state, disrupt the process of building the Arab Maghreb and its implications through weakening these countries in any negotiations with United States the European Union and any other party; continuation of the region under the mercy of chaos, without law and order and the growing trafficking in all its forms: human, weapons, drugs and terrorism.
Or adoption of the political solution made by Morocco through self-government.
- 25/03/2006 King appointed the members of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs
- the Council's mission to set a vision on self-rule
- The young King of Morocco wants to change the young political and administrative structures in Morocco for a modern democratic country
- Self-governance is not an easy issue because of the repercussions on all state institutions and administrations since Morocco is a central state
- Influence on the rest of the Mahghreb
- Autonomy through reconciliation and a solution satisfactory to all
- Polisario Front should abandon its dogmatic approach and be more realistic and pragmatic
- Separation is not possible
- The first meeting of Corcas special session last 25/26/27 May discussed the contents of self-government a new and difficult element. The first day members were scared to deal with this subject, on the second day, members provided their views on the mechanisms and problems of self-government
- The Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs is appointed not elected institution by His Majesty the King
- Despite the appointment the Council includes 141 members representing different tribes and different generations, women and men. It is a representative image of the Saharawi community in all its components.
- The need to take advantage of the international models of self-government, including the Spanish experience because of geographical proximity to Morocco, with the need for respect of the Moroccan specificities
- His Majesty King Mohammed VI, made consultations with all the Moroccan political parties participating in government or opposition.
- The need for Spanish actors, politicians and academics to support in order to reach a negotiated solution with our brothers in the Polisario Front
- Autonomy is an economic start for the region adjacent to the Moroccan Sahara, and thus the time factor is very important in resolving this issue
- Polisario Front is political-military organization (militia)
- Morocco respects human rights
- There is no violation of human rights in Laayoune, but some skirmishes between young separatist people and the security forces which intervene in some cases, to protect the law and public order
- Polisario Front exploits these events and trying to publicize human rights violations in the south of Morocco
- Vast difference between truth and propaganda
- The reality of human rights in Tindouf, where there is lack of freedom of expression and opinion and absence of movement and elements of a decent living for camps populations
- Reconciliation is to forget the past and begin a new page

Discussions began between teachers and Mr. President, who explained the following elements:

- Corcas is not autonomy, is appointed by His Majesty the King not an elected body. It is therefore at the disposal of His Majesty King Mohammed VI
- Autonomy political governing with parliamentary institutions and executive authority emanating from the ballot box
- Spain’s visit comes within the framework of benefiting from the experience of their independent governments
- A political solution to the conflict will be in accordance with international legitimacy, and will be realistic and final
- Any other solution is an extension of the crisis
 - Morocco  a democratic country, but the experience of democracy there should not be compared to the experience of democracy in Europe, for reasons including the long accumulations of Europe in this regard. But the changes in Morocco should be compared to what is happening in the African continent, the Arab and Islamic world
- The referendum in the Sahara is politically and technically unfeasible
- Spain should deal with all Saharans, without exception, and not confining their transactions and help with Polisario alone
- The king did not authorize the government nor any the Department to address the problem, but asked the people of the region through the Council to prepare an autonomy plan in respect of the feelings of Sahrawis
- The movement of Polisario is dogmatic and military. The world has changed, all change except the Polisario Front
- Democracy in Morocco is an irrevocable choice
- Civil society in Morocco is active, and only requires support and assistance
- The reign of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI has nothing to do with Hassan II, the young king broke with the Protocol and established the principles of democracy, freedom and rights given to women, for the first time in the history of Morocco, the Moroccan people can see the King’s wife
- Algiers says it is not a party to the conflict; we ask it to intervene to solve this problem
- Sahara problem impedes building the Maghreb, and the interests of its peoples

   For his part, Mr. José Manuel Tyrol Beira, a professor of public law at the University said "though the economic resources and wealth which the autonomous parliament will be able to provide, and with the assistance of the Government of Morocco, it will be possible to achieve stability, democracy and security in the Sahara."

President of the Council calls for Andalusian support to the autonomy proposal in South territories

 Khalihenna: the Moroccan proposal a very modern form of self-determination which rejects separatism 

Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid, chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs called Monday on the Andalusian political forces and civil society to support the autonomy proposal in the Southern Territories , "which responds to the demands of Saharans." 

We came to look for the support of Andalusia Parliament, Government and people to this compliant solution. The President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs added," We want from Spain, whose self-government experience is successful in Europe, to convince "Polisario" accept the dialogue and moving away from that dogmatism that has characterized it since its inception and which does not provide any solution for the Sahara and for the Maghreb. "

He added that the autonomy proposal by Morocco a "very modern form of self-determination, refuses separatism," he said, pointing out that this solution " responds to the political, economic, social and cultural demands of Sahrawis." Mr. Ould Errachid said, on the other hand, that if no solution is found to this problem, the region, in addition to the flow of immigration from sub-Saharan Africa, may become in the near future a a threat to all countries of the region, including Europe.

During a meeting with the press, Mr Ould Errachid highlighted that the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, which held its first meeting in Rabat, is presently preparing an autonomy plan. In response to a question on " pro-Polisario activities " in Laayoune, he answered that "the presence of these young people themselves is a pride for Morocco, because it shows that freedom of expression is guaranteed for all", expressing his regret for the absence of full freedom in the camps of Tindouf.

The delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met on Monday at the Regional Parliament of Andalusia with the spokesman of the Socialist Party within this institution Manuel Garcia Navarro, who commended the model of self-government in Andalusia, which enabled this region in the southern Spain giant steps on the path of development and progress. He hoped that this model would be followed in the Sahara.

Mr. Navarro, who described the meeting with the members of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs as "very positive", told the Arab Maghreb news agency that the Socialist Party supported the "solution which is compatible between all parties" to the dispute over the Sahara, "the solution would be to achieve progress in this area for the benefit of the inhabitants. "

Mr Navarro said "self-rule led to the development and progress of Andalusia and I hope that it will be the case in the Sahara in order to improve the status of the inhabitants." The delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met at Pablo Olavide University in Seville, with a group of university professors and judges to whom Ould Errachid presented the functions of the Council and objectives of the autonomy proposal.

The delegation will hold on Tuesday meetings with other political actors before concluding with a meeting with the head of the local government, Mr. Manuel Chaves. The delegation will continue on Wednesday contacts in Malaga with other political actors. The visit by the delegation to Andalusia comes within the  the framework of its tour to Spain that started last May to Madrid and the Canary Islands last week.

Council delegation meets with Secretary-General of the Andalusian Party 

The delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met on Tuesday with Mr. Julian Alvarez Secretary-General of the Andalusian Party, in the context of a visit by the delegation to Andalusia from 07 to 05 June to explain the contents of the Moroccan proposal to resolve the Sahara dispute.

And Mr. Julian Alvarez said that the Moroccan initiative to grant autonomy to the Sahara, " is reasonable with all standards."
He said in a press release: "We believe that this initiative is reasonable according to all standards confirming the political approach that gives people the right to expression and govern; the Moroccan autonomy plan is very important."  

Corcas delegation meets with responsible for Foreign Relations in the Spanish United Left Party 

The delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met on Tuesday, Mr. Antonio Kzaiato, in charge of External Relations of the Spanish United Left Party, in the context of a visit by the delegation to Andalusia from 07 to 05 June to explain the contents of the Moroccan proposal to resolve the Sahara dispute. 

And Mr. Antonio Kzaiato declared after the end of the meeting: "We have expressed our point of view, and our readiness for cooperation hoping that Sahrawis will live in stability and peace in their land." 

 Corcas President meeting with Canal Sur

Khalihenna: if Morocco is economically interested in the Sahara it will not decide to grant it autonomy with its economy managed by its institutions.

Mr. Ould Errachid was interviewed by the Spanish TV channel Canal Sur in the context of the preparation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs of the proposed solution to end the dispute over the Sahara which will be soon submitted to the UN Secretary-General.

Good morning, it is true that there is a conflict for the inhabitants of Andalusia in particular, and Spanish people in general, this conflict is dear to their hearts; and we are talking about the Sahara conflict which remains with no solution. The UN came up with proposals and initiatives, The Polisario front believes in auto-determination, there are also initiatives presented by the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, who created the Royal consultative Council for Saharan Affairs, in order to search for a solution, and that will be handed over to the UN during next October.  We will talk about this conflict with the Chairman of the Royal consultative council for Saharan Affairs MR Khalihana Ould Er Rachid  .

 Presenter : good morning

 Chairman  : Good morning

 Presenter :  Thereza Hiriro , the journalist will join us in this interview, and we will start with the proposal which  will be handed over

 Chairman :  Yes , this conflict has been going on for a long time , and the appropriate times  comes to solve this conflict, while his Majesty the King of Morocco, made some important changes politically , economically , and democratically; and he proposed the autonomy as  as a democratic solution which is in conformity with  the international criteria, and grants the Sahraoui all their political , economic, social and cultural requirements, which means the creation of a particular entity for Saharaoui  within the  Kingdom of Morocco  .  The previous plans did not give any results, and failed to solve the problem, i.e. the war and the search for the referendum of the auto-determination.

 Presenter: there is a contradiction in terms of statements, while you are asking the Polisario front to join the council and its dynamism; the later is determined to see the auto –determination taking place, so the solution will not be easy to reach.

 Chairman : of course the solution will not be easy to reach,, on one hand , on the other hand it will be easy; this council is formed by members who they all belong to Sahara region, and they would like to see an end to this conflict ,  which resulted of many problems for Sahraoui people, and we refuse that Sahraouis remain for ever in the camps, all the proposals  failed ,  the Un recognized this fact, in order to get out of this deadlock, the autonomy remains the best system, this principle is applied in Spain,  Italy, , and several European countries, and I believe that it is and advanced form of auto- determination, which does not allow separatism . the autonomy is the best shape to put into practice the political , economic; social, and cultural demands .

 Presenter (Theresa hiriro): we would like to know from you, why do you consider , from your own point of view the autonomy as a miracle ? 

 Chairman: this project is new for Morocco, and will change deeply  the Kingdom of Morocco, the autonomy will speed up  the democratic process in this country, and will  allow a good management of the economic, social , and political activities, and will create an example which will be followed up in the continent of Africa , and the Islamic and Arab world  . I believe that this autonomy is a miracle solution, because it makes everybody a winner, and all parties will get out of this dispute winners, meaning Sahraouis will win because it is going to fulfil their requirements, and also Morocco being a country, will win because it is going to guaranty its territorial integrity, even Algeria is bound to win because it will get out of this crisis its head up, and finally the international community will win because it will get out of such dispute that …….

The presenter:
This is what you say, so why the other party does not see that clearly?

 The Chairman: the other party is our brothers, cousins, and we form one family. The Polisario front is not a democratic movement, it is a political military movement which was established in the seventies, and did not know any political changes, to become a pragmatic movement, or to accept the pluraty. The situation in the refugee camps is so bad, and the refugees in the camps will force the Polisario front to negotiate, because there is no other alternative.

Wednesday 7, June 2006

Council Activities in Malaga

Malaga Mayor receives delegation from the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs  


Francisco Prados: I hope that Polisario will accept autonomy  to safeguard the interests of the Mediterranean  peoples

  Malga Mayor in a meeting on Wednesday, with a delegation headed by corcas chairman supported   autonomy initiative to find a lasting solution through dialogue and compromise.

following the speech by Mr. Khalihenna that Malaga wants the stability of Morocco, which can not be achieved without a final solution to the problem of the Sahara, hoping that Polisario will accept the autonomy proposal to preserve the interests of all the peoples of the Mediterranean.

He expressed support for Morocco and its policy, and non-conditional support for Morocco in the Sahara issue, committed to playing an active role in ending the problem through the convergence of views between the parties.

He highlighted distinguished links between Malaga and Morocco, due to common history and geographical proximity.

Council delegation meets the president of Manilva Municipal Council 

Salvador Zatano: the Moroccan proposal important opens the door for dialogue and consensus

A delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met on Wednesday with Mr. Salvador Zatano, Mayor of Manilva, (South of Malaga), in the context of three-day visit to Andalusia to explain the contents of the Moroccan proposal to resolve the Sahara dispute and see the progress of autonomy in the region, at the economic, human and historical levels 

Following this meeting, Salvador Zatano made a press statement on the Moroccan proposal to grant autonomy to the Sahara described as "important, and said:" This proposal is important opening the doors for dialogue and consensus and ensuring political progress, and this certainly helps to create definitive solution to this historic conflict. "

  The Andalusian official also expressed his appreciation for the visit of the delegation saying: "I am happy about the delegation's visit, President and members of their presence here making our country a platform for numerous meetings. I wish them great luck. I hope this new political process will encourage the establishment of a platform for peace and dialogue.

Evaluation of Corcas tour in the region of Andalusia  

Khalihenna: Andalusian Tour was a success

Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid described the delegation's three day visit  to Andalusia as "successful", especially on the subject of autonomy as a final solution to the 30 year conflict in the Sahara .

Our visit to the Andalusia region was successful and it was characterized by various meetings relating to the Andalusia Parliament and the parliamentary groups as well as the political parties and the government, the Head of the Andalusia government, university professors specialized in law, press and TV.

The results of this visit were positive regarding the discussed subjects notably those relating to the autonomy project and the final solution of the 30 years-old Saharan conflict. Besides, during this visit, there were meetings in Seville, capital of the Andalusia Province and in Malaga, the second economic city of Andalusia where we met the Mayor, the Chairman of the Council Province and the civil, economic, cultural and media society.

Debates shed light on the reasons behind this conflict in the region and the clogged roads to which the United Nations arrived concerning the implementation of an impossible referendum and the necessity to go forward in order to find another adequate solution for the conflict and its origin, especially regarding the autonomy suggested by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI May God Glorify him, and which will be the model for the Arab world and African Continent concerning this kind of regional conflicts.

Of course, our friends and neighbours in Andalusia who really know the region and Morocco and have wide political and economic relationships with Morocco, the political parties, Parliament, Government, local electors and civil society whom we contacted, confirmed this democratic method practiced and still in practice by Spain to solve its democratic problems relating to affairs management by the nations constituting Spain.

Spain supports, or at least, the authorities we met totally supported and understood this Moroccan project and they promised to assist us in starting dialogue and negotiation with our friends in the Polisario Front, so as to definitly end up this problem in a way that goes hand in hand with the Sahrawis' request which is the establishment of a real autonomy meeting the historical requirements or needs of this region.



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