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Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Domestic Activities

The Council is a propositional mechanism and authoriry

A group of advisors from the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs deeply welcomed the nomination of council  fully hoping that the Council will serve as a propositional mechanism and force , enabling different actors represented in the Sahara to put forward all economic, social and political problems suffered in the southern provinces of the Kingdom.

Potentialities from the southern provinces, including members of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS), stressed in statements to MAP on March 25 in Laayoune, that the new institution’s composition is "historic" for preserving the unity of the Kingdom and promoting the development of the region.

These personalities have claimed that the Council, to which His Majesty King Mohammed VI has brought a new momentum, is asked to formulate practical proposals based on the culture of dialogue, consultation and proximity to meet the aspirations of the local population and preserve Morocco’s territorial integrity.

In this regard, Mr. Chiba Maouelainin, CORCAS member, noted that the speech by the Sovereign is "a milestone in the management of the Moroccan Sahara issue," adding that His Majesty the King "left to the region’s populations the responsibility to defend national unity through consultation within the Council.  

He also said that the royal speech crowns successful royal visit in all aspects and demonstrated once again the attachment of the Sahara inhabitants to the Kingdom’s national unity.  

The international community is called to reread the Moroccan Sahara issue and revise its position in the light of the Royal visit to definitively close this file, he said.

For her part, Ms. Gajmoula Abbi, CORCAS member, noted that the royal speech was warmly welcomed by people in southern provinces, stressing that autonomy proposal in these provinces enjoys strong support from inhabitants of the region.

She added that CORCAS should formulate practical proposals on socio-economic problems of the region’s population and help develop a vision on autonomy proposal.

For his part, Mr. Omar Bouayda, also Council member, said the speech responded to the aspirations and expectations of the region’s citizens, expressing his satisfaction over the institution’s composition.

Mr. Bouayda expressed the hope that the Council will be an efficient tool and proposing power to boost the development of local economic sectors and strengthen the ranks of the different sensitivities in the southern provinces, in general, and particularly the region’s youth, to defend the territorial integrity of the Kingdom.

He also expressed the hope that the Council will consider the concerns of the Sahrawi population in relation to human development and socio-economic development of southern provinces.

Likewise, Mr. Mami Boussif, Council member, expressed the hope that the CORCAS will become a proposing force to convey new ideas on political, economic, social and cultural matters relating to the region.

"The most important thing is that there is no intermediary between the Council and His Majesty the King, who will enable this institution submit to the Supreme ideas and suggestions both on the Moroccan Sahara issue and matters relating to local development ", he commented. 

Mr. Brahim Ahl Hmad, Council member, said that the royal speech is a step towards settling the question of the Sahara, which is and will always be Moroccan.

"We highly commend this initiative and wish success to His Majesty the King," he said, adding that the people of the south are extremely pleased with the royal visit to Laâyoune and Boujdour, and pray God that our brothers regain the Kingdom in response to the royal call "the homeland is clement and merciful."

He highly praised wise and farsighted positions and initiatives of the Sovereign on the territorial integrity of the Kingdom and the proposed autonomy for the southern provinces under Moroccan sovereignty.

As for Ms. Fatima Leili, Council member, she said that CORCAS, with its new composition, opens great hopes for the settlement of the Sahara issue. "Through this Council, we defend our values and our sacred national cause. We remain committed to our goals."

Another Council member, Mr. Brahim Ghazal focused on the new composition of the Council which is broadly representative of the Saharan tribes, giving this institution a special dimension.

Mr. Abdelmajid Ghazzal, a member of the Council, said the royal speech laid the groundwork for a representative institution, which the southern provinces require to develop new ideas to meet the aspirations and expectations of local people.

He praised the Council's representation that includes elected officials, sheikhs, youth and women.

Mr. Bouzid Hmednah Council member, stressed that the people of the region hope that the Council will be a forum for dialogue to solve the problems of southern provinces and formulate proposals for national unity and development of this region.

For his part, Mr. Abdallah Henouni, also a Council member, said the new composition of this institution will enable the Council to become a suggestion force to address the concerns of the Sahrawi people in an objective manner and submit to authorities practical proposals to solve problems and contribute to the development process in the region. 

Mr. Ali Mezliki, CORCAS member, noted that the Council is required to formulate solutions to problems facing the southern provinces and submit them to His Majesty the King, adding that the restructuring of this institution is an opportunity for the people of this region to identify problems and propose solutions within the framework of consultation within the Council.

Mohamed Taleb, Council member, said that the royal speech is an event of major significance given its strong impact on the question of our territorial integrity.  

The high royal guidelines contained in this speech will have a tremendous positive impact on the Council's action in the future, welcoming the new composition of this institution, which is a forum for dialogue for all components of the southern provinces.

Mr. Abdelaziz Abba, president of the Municipal Council of Boujdour, expressed the hope that the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs can report problems and concerns of local populations and present proposals to achieve a solution to the question of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom.

For his part, Mr. Abdellah Chalouk, Human Rights activist, said that the royal speech favours the democratic solution to the Sahara issue to ensure the stability, reaffirming that the Sahrawi people support this solution.

The Council should address issues related to the local population and have an unshakeable determination "to reveal the reality that prevails in this region and help find a practical solution to the Sahara issue, which guarantees stability in the region. "

Mr. Maouelainin Abadila, human rights activist, stressed that the royal speech presented a vision of the future of CORCAS and Moroccan autonomy proposal. Through this, Morocco is on track to achieve a better future, he added.

The autonomy of the southern provinces, which is "a final solution is the choice that corresponds to our desire and aspirations of His Majesty the King. 

Mr. Sidati Ghellaoui, former leader of Polisario, expressed great satisfaction over the content of the speech that reflects the royal benevolence for the provinces of the south, noting that the concern of His Majesty the King not to dispose of any grain of sand of the Moroccan Sahara is a source of pride for local people.

Another former leader of Polisario, Ibrahim Bellal, noted that the royal speech has heartened inhabitants of the southern provinces and gave them hope that they have long maintained, arguing that the Council composition is a qualitative leap towards the defense of territorial integrity and strengthening the prospects of development in these provinces.

The choices set by the King's speech in Laâyoune are capable of achieving many things in Morocco, in general, and particulary in the southern provinces, he said.

For his part, Mr. M'Barek Nafaoui, political actor, said that the restructuring of the Council is a step towards the settlement of the Sahara issue, reaffirming CORCAS readiness to counteract the arguments of separatism and develop proposals responding to  the expectations of the Sovereign who always seeks a solution to this artificial conflict, within the framework of national unity.

Mr. Mohamed Elyazghi,
Socialist Union of Popular Forces

The appointment today of the Royal Advisory Council is an important event because its current composition creates a balance for tribal affiliation, the position of sheikhs, elected officials, non-governmental organizations, youth organizations and women who now have a presence within the Council. This enables the Sahara inhabitants to express themselves and it is the duty of the government and other institutions to listen to them. 

Mr. Abbas El Fassi,
 Independence Party
The re-structuring of the Saharan Advisory Council will preserve the heads of tribes, with the opening up of the Council on youth,  women and their elected representatives, as well as the expansion of its powers. This Council will have broad powers in terms of economic and social development i.e. planning budget ... etc.

Mr. Moulay Ismail Alaoui,
 Party of Progress and Socialism
The content of this speech is gratifying for all what we aspire to. First, there is the activation of the contribution of the population in the management of their own affairs, and, at the same time, there is the idea of the expansion of this body and incorporate young elements, members of active women in the community. Therefore, this Council will be successful and will contribute to greater cohesion among our own people in these areas and the rest of the country as well as the country's institutions.

Mr. Saad Eddin Ottmani
 Justice and Development Party
I think that the involvement of the southern provinces inhabitants in this file in particular is the guarantee for the success of Morocco in the challenge to resolve this issue in the future.
We think there is no substitute for self-government in the southern provinces by voluntary and bold decision by Morocco and through seriousness. This autonomy should be based on the values of transparency, fairness and democracy. If it adheres to these elements, we are convinced that the problem will be solved and that the future will be better.

Mr. Mohamed Labiad
 Constitutional Union Party
It is a historic speech which includes a number of strong signals, especially after the successful visit by His Majesty to the southern provinces. We consider that the signals are stronger since the speech contained dimensions in terms of solving the artificial problem in context of unity and territorial integrity as well as the activation of the Maghreb region as it needs economic and social development.

Mr. Mohammad Moujahid
 Unified Socialist Party
We hope that the Council will contribute to approach the concerns of citizens and problems of population in the southern regions and also contribute to promote the defense of territorial integrity domestically and internationally.

Mr. Driss Benzekri
Advisory Council for Human Rights
The Advisory Council will enable the contribution of the people of all classes and in all regions to submit proposals and solve problems remained pending for a long time.

Declarations by elected personalities and civil society  of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs

Boussif Mami, President of Oued Eddahab Lagouira Region:
We hope that this Council will actually be a propositional force that will solve all the region’s problems, at the political, economic and social levels. In fact, there are institutions which are already doing their part in  the Council, which is directly linked to His Majesty will have the power to solve a set of problems.

  Omar Bouida, President of Guelmim Smara region:
We hope it will be an effective propositional force for the Sahara provinces and will examine all the problems relating to the development of the southern provinces socially, economically, in addition to playing an effective role for the territorial unity by providing necessary and sufficient explanation for the international public opinion.
Gajmoula Bent Abbi, MP:
Of course, this is essential because it is His Majesty's speech; he said that it is an advisory Council. Its formation is important because it contains elected people, elders, youth and women this is the first point and second point is that the Council has an advisory role.


Zahra Al-Chakkaf, MP:
The Advisory Council includes young people, women, all actors of civil society and elders by virtue of their experience and because we always respect elders and have confidence on young people. The Council’s formation takes care of sensitivities; there are tribal elders, elected, young people and women. I do not think that there is a party which is not represented. 

Mohamed Khatri Joummani, Parliamentary Counsellor:
When His Majesty the King says an actor it means it is very important, it is something that concerns his people and his country's interest along with a vision for the future.

M’barak Akik, MP:
We hope, God willing, that the council will do its job in order to achieve all the aspirations of all Moroccans including residents of the southern regions and will fulfil the responsibility entrusted to it.

Hannouni Abdallah, President of the Regional Council of Aousserd:
The first point within the initial discussions is the project of autonomy, especially as the proposal would be from the bottom up and this is an opportunity for all Sahrawi people including youth elders and civil society actors to contribute with suggestions to add additional strength. This project will undoubtedly give us strong support for the future.

Mohammed Fadel Maouelainin, Identification Sheikh:
This is important and will be launched here in the direction of all parts of the Kingdom of Morocco. This is what we want, the Council will discuss local issues as stated by the King; if so, 99,99% of problems will be solved, including those detained in Tindouf.

Dah Oul AL Mekki Sibawayh, human rights activist:
The fundamental requirement is to enable the population to participate in the management of the issue in general and in local administration in particular. The enemies of the territorial integrity had their motto; All Sahrawis do not talk about the problem. So the world considered that the only legitimate speaker is Polisario, but did not see that there are Sahrawi unionists who want to contribute within the Kingdom of Morocco.

Mohamed Habib Ould Hidara, President of the Regional Council of Assa-Zag:
This is one of the marches of the Alawite kings. Our generation lived from Mohammed V, Hassan II to Mohammed VI, this is the third of the marches, the first march was carried out by Mohammed V ie the path to independence, the second by the Hassan II with the Green March, the third is this one made today by Mohammed VI which is the creation of the Advisory Council. I hope it will have men who will fulfil the needs of these areas.

Ali Almzliqi, President of the Regional Council of Tan-Tan:
It is one of the speeches that concern the southern region in particular with the announcement of a new edifice by His Majesty every time he comes. This edifice is the Royal Advisory Council which will be activated and on which there is a set of expectations and hopes with respect to all the problems facing the southern region by reporting them to His Majesty.

  Ibrahim Ghazal, Association Activist
The return of the group, group mean tribes of this region and its various colors as a new consultative body is a force of suggestions, voluntary of course, relating to everything that serves the development and advancement of our nation Morocco.

    Hajabuha Zubair, Association Activist
It came to perpetuate this spirit of democratic modernization, adopted by Morocco and the basis of the challenges of the third millennium, congratulations go to Morocco of this important gain, and congratulations also to Sahrawis for this initiative, which is very important and historical.

       Fatima Saida, Association Activist 
We hope and this Council, which includes in its formation, all actors, civil society, women, men, political actors, elders… will play the role desired by his Majesty the King and to complete the expectations the southern provinces.


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