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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Domestic Activities

Khalihenna: the Council will be the main engine to establish total confidence with Saharan population

Mr. Ould Errachid , President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs said in Laayoune that the Council will be an effective mediator to guide Moroccan management to the enactment of a wise, conciliatory and credible policy in the southern regions.


News broadcaster: Mr. President, the Royal speech emphasized, among other things, on taking interest in developing the region and defending it, how would you interpret the Royal Speech? And how would you evaluate it?

KOE: The speech made today by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, God Glorifies him, is a historic speech for the Kingdom of Morocco, in general, and for the Sahara provinces, in particular, because it sets the basic foundations for the future policy through establishing and setting up the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, on the one hand, and preparing the future outlines of the Moroccan autonomy project. So, it is a historic speech from this point of view, and it is considered also as such, taking into account the time His Majesty, God Glorifies him, spent with us, in the Cities of Layoune and Boujdoure, and His Majesty’s great care and concern about the inhabitants of the region, as well as the way the region’s people welcomed Him. So, this speech is a milestone in history, which would prepare, if God wishes so, for the final solution of the Sahara issue.

News broadcaster: Mr. President, you have been appointed today as President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, how would this Council manage the regional affairs in the Southern provinces to make them adhere to development and democracy process, in an efficient way?

KOE: This point is one of the essential missions for which His Majesty made the Council responsible, in the Constitutive Decree. That is granting importance to internal issues in theses provinces, and of course, this is among the questions that concern the inhabitants directly. So, we will examine all the problems related to the region, because His Majesty made the State’s administration, in this matter, at the disposal of the Council to rectify all that can be rectified. All this in order to improve the services presented to citizens and to pay attention to their problems in all fields, in habitation, economy, infrastructures and integration in all its aspects. The Council would show a great concern about these issues to avoid problems to people, especially, that the State devotes so much money to these fields and spends it in many aspects. But all these efforts should have their impact on citizens, who have to feel this change, which is in their favour, when it comes to their ambitions and interests. These are the main tasks of the Council, and we would accomplish them soon, by God Will, in collaboration with the different administrations which would be members, on a consultative basis, and those are the Governors in provinces, the Director of the Development Agency, all these bodies, that is the State, in general, and its institutions. We have to solve the problems related to economic, social and everyday aspects, so that the citizen would feel the change, a change in habitation, employment, and all that concerns the everyday life conditions. 

News broadcaster : Mr. President, His Majesty pointed out that the Council is open to all the activities of the civil society, and would be concerned with the integration of citizens in Tindouf camps, in what way do you think  would the Council be able to achieve this, within its structures?

KOE: First of all, the Council is open to the civil society since many of its new members are from the civil society, and this is a new matter in the Council.

The second point is that the main missions of the Council are, of course, the participation in solving the Sahara problem, and this participation resides mainly in bringing back the inhabitants of Tindouf camps into the nation’s territory, by all the possible ways among which convincing the Sahara citizens, in general, that His Majesty’s project to grant them autonomy  is the most suitable solution to meet their ambitions and those of all the Sahrawi people inside and outside Tindouf camps. This means maintaining the political, economic and social rights of the people in this region, within a Royal frame, well defined and presented by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, personally, in the city of Laayoune. This project addresses these people, and it is supported by the whole Moroccan nation.

So, of course, among our main tasks is the fact of convincing the people inside the region about the seriousness of the Council’s projects, and the fact that substantial autonomy is the best solution to this forced conflict about the Sahara.  Such a conflict with does not give any alternative that would benefit to Sahrawi people, apart from separation, and any Sahrawi, making a true testimony, would not be able to say that the Sahrawi people are not Moroccan.

News broadcaster: Thank you Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid, President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, for your being with us today. 


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