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Saturday, July 27, 2024
King's Speeches
HM the King: implementation of advanced regionalization as part of unity of State, nation and territory

In view of its progress in democracy, Morocco is able to initiate the constitutional implementation of advanced regionalization

HM King Mohammed VI underlined, on Wednesday in a speech to the Nation, that regionalization should give the region its rightful place in the Constitution as a territorial entity, within the framework of the unity of the State, the nation and the territory, keeping in mind the requirements of balance and national solidarity at inter- and intraregional levels.

HM the King urges international community to identify who is responsible for obstructing negotiation process on the Sahara

HM King Mohammed VI called on the international community to clearly and unequivocally say who is responsible for obstructing the negotiation process on the issue of the Moroccan Sahara.

HM the King stresses need of full mobilization to foil desperate schemes of Morocco's enemies

HM the King Mohammed VI said that the defence of the Moroccan Sahara remains the Kingdom's sacred cause and requires a full mobilization to foil the desperate schemes of the enemies of Morocco's territorial integrity.

HM the King calls on other partners to seize historic opportunity of autonomy initiative and engage in substantive negotiations

HM King Mohammed VI called, on Monday, upon other partners to seize the historic opportunity of the autonomy initiative and "engage in substantive negotiations under the auspices of the Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy, to whom we reiterate our sincere willingness to cooperate."

Obduracy of enemies of territorial integrity will make us determined to boost democracy, HM the King

 HM King Mohammed VI affirmed that the obduracy displayed by the enemies of our territorial integrity will make us all the more determined to press ahead with our efforts to expand democracy and promote development, stressing that citizenship rights cannot be perceived nor practised except within the framework of full respect for and commitment to the nation's unity and sovereignty.

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