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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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The republic of Malawai announced, on Tuesday, that it has decided to withdraw its recognition of the so-called "Sahraoui Arab Democratic Republic" (SADR) and to sever all relations with it.

   "In light of the recent developments on the issue of Western Sahara at the United Nations' level, the Republic of Malawi has decided, today the 16th of September 2008, to withdraw its recognition of the Sahraoui Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and to sever all relations with it", Malawian minister of foreign affairs, Joyce Banda, told the press at the end of a meeting with Moroccan Foreign Minister, Taib Fassi Fihri.

   "By taking this decision, the Government of the Republic of Malawi intends to encourage the ongoing UN-led negotiation process to reach a lasting political solution to this regional dispute," she said.

   The minister added that her government "encourages the parties to engage, as called for in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1813, into a more intense and substantial negotiations, based on realism and spirit of compromise to reach such a solution."

    During this meeting, Fassi Fihri briefed his counterpart on the developments in the Sahara issue at the level of the United Nations, particularly following the presentation by Morocco of the autonomy Initiative to settle this regional dispute.

    He recalled the latest resolution of the Security Council which calls on the parties to engage in substantive negotiations on the basis of the Moroccan proposal.

Source: MAP
News and events on Western Sahara issue / Corcas


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