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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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The United States of America affirmed its stance on the Sahara remains unchanged, making it clear that some form of mutually-accepted autonomy is the only realistic solution for this issue.

The stance of the United States is written down in a statement that was delivered to the press, US State Department Spokesman, Sean McCormack said on Friday in response to a journalist's question on the Sahara issue.

    "Our position on the Sahara remains unchanged. We believe that some form of mutually-accepted autonomy is the only realistic solution for Western Sahara, and we have urged both parties to engage on that basis," said the US state department in this document.

    "We need to build on the progress of the previous rounds of UN-led talks, and on the basis of Security Council resolutions 1754, 1783, and 1813," the statement went on, stressing that "as Secretary Rice said publicly in Morocco, There are good ideas on the table, and there are ways to move forward. We don't need to start over."

    "We understand the UN is in the process of identifying a new envoy. We support the UN-led talks, appreciate the work of the previous UN envoy for the Sahara Peter Van Walsum and look forward to the efforts of his successor. We do not yet have confirmation who that successor will be," according to the same document.

News and events on Western Sahara issue / Corcas


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