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Saturday, January 25, 2025
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The chrairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affaires (CORCAS), Khalihanna Ould Rachid addressed a message of loyalty and sincerity to His Majesty King Mohammed VI at the end of the extraordinary session

Praise be to God, and prayer and peace on the Prophet, his family and companions

Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful May God assist

The chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, on his name and on behalf of all members of the Council, is honoured, after kissing your hands, and extending obedience, loyalty and fidelity obligations to your person, expressing their attachment to the Glorious Throne, to raise to your majesty this message on the occasion of the closing of the special session of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, held in Rabat on Monday and Tuesday, 12 and 13 Dul-Kida 1427 H, corresponding to 4 and 5 December 2006, during which the Council continued to discuss the second point of the agenda, concerning autonomy project in the southern provinces.

After the first meeting of this special session of your majesty’s Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, held in Rabat on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 27, 28 and 29, Rabie II 1427, corresponding to: 25, 26, 27 May 2006, which dealt with the examination of all legal and institutional aspects of autonomy, in a constructive and serious atmosphere, which reflected members patriotism and responsibility entrusted to them by your majesty regarding their perceptions and suggestions on autonomy of the southern provinces, in the framework of sovereignty Morocco under the national unity and territorial integrity. It was a unique occasion, and for the first time in the history of the Kingdom of Morocco, providing an opportunity for all to give their opinion and perceptions with full transparency.

Your loyal members at the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, examined on Monday and Tuesday, 12 and 13, 1427 AH, corresponding to 4 and 5 December 2006, autonomy plan in the Southern regions by finalizing it through serious positive and transparent debate inspired by your majesty’s speech, on the occasion of commemoration of the thirty-first anniversary of the triumphant Green march which praised the efforts by the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, its president and members, in serving the national cause. Majesty,  Your praise gave enthusiasm to the works of all members of the Council, and added pride, happiness and honor to the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, to move in accordance with your guidance.

After consideration of your majesty to give your loyal nationals of these areas, the right of consultation regarding their local issues in transparency, and freedom, within the framework of your majesty’s Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, this Council has been granted maturity and wisdom making it fulfil its tasks with integrity and sincerity.  

After a short time of your visit and historic speech in the city of Laayoune on March 25, 2006, we, the members of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, respond to your orders with pride and satisfaction, submitting to your majesty a project proposal for autonomy, which is a credible solution in line with our main national interests, our national and territorial unity from Tangier to Lagouira with full irreversible sovereignty. It enables the Sahara citizens glory, dignity, tranquillity and peace of mind under your reign. The entire world is witnessing your strength, knowledge, wisdom and boldness and welcoming with conviction your proposal. 

This courageous decision is one station of your major reforms since your enthronement in the various developmental,  political, economic, social and cultural  fields. Your majesty’s initiative to grant autonomy to the southern provinces, giving loyal nationals the right to handle their own affairs in  response to the duties of the modern time to confirm the historical and legal eligibility of our country over the Moroccan Sahara, a valuable opportunity to bring the Arab Maghreb project into existence, is a final, comprehensive and just solution bringing together all the parties to Moroccan society, and a giant step to win the hearts of your nationals in these areas.

Your decision to involve your loyal citizens in shaping autonomy has contributed to putting a definitive end to the past and reassuring and comforting the hearts of your loyal nationals in these areas. It is an auspicious and giant leap towards a better future where people can enjoy security stability and democracy, and positively take part in shaping the Morocco personality, and promoting it nationally and regionally. It is a model for Arab-Islamic and African countries, a form of good governance in the management of local affairs and wise experience in resolving such issues.

At the end of this session, your loyal servants express their profound gratitude for your majesty’s trust and your grant in favour of your loyal nationals in the Southern Territories, always covered by your great care high attention.

May Allah preserve you, as He preserved the Holy Quran, and may Him help you remain an asset and refuge for this nation. May God bless HRH crown prince Moulay Al Hassan, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, and all your Royal family.
Done in Rabat on December 5, 2006.
Signed: Khalihenna Ould Errachid
Chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs. 

  Source: Corcas


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