"L'Opinion" daily warned against the dangers that may be triggered by the festivities of the Polisario « and their Algerian masters » in the buffer strip, adding this is "a real threat" for the region and calling on the UNO to intervene.
Tifariti is located in the buffer zone of the Sahara and was used by the Polisario on February 28 to organize the 30th anniversary of the so-called "Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic" (SADR).
« Face to the provocation that is wrought of dangerous consequences, the ONU should intervene and act to have legality respected and prevent any violation of the ceasefire », the daily said.
A ceasefire was concluded in 1991 regarding the Sahara conflict that was triggered in 1975 following the claim of the Algeria-backed Polisario to separate from Morocco the latter’s southern provinces, known as the Sahara, the north African country retrieved from Spanish rule at the time under the Madrid accords.
L’Opinion notes that Morocco has been cooperating faithfully with the UNO to reach an agreed, fair and lasting solution to the dispute in the respect of Moroccan sovereignty and territorial integrity, calling on the UN to secure “the inviolability of the buffer strip and the observance of the ceasefire to prevent any escalation in the region.”
"Bayane Al Yaoum" daily said that once again Algeria is showing it is opposed to the Moroccan territorial integrity by “redeploying the mercenaries, providing them with material so as to carry out its plan and objectives”
Several indicators show the separatists are « relocating the game” out of Tindouf (where the Polisario has been based since the start of the conflict and is holding thousands of Sahrawis captive), the daily said deeming that Morocco has to intensify its diplomatic action to draw the attention of the international public opinion on the dangers posed by Polisario.
"Al Ahdath Al Maghribia" said Algeria is resolute on continuing its provocation policy toward Morocco, including the exploitation of the buffer strip as a front “in full contempt to the ceasefire”, recalling the UNSG received several reports indicating the strip is being turned into an “armed conflict field”.
"Assahra Al Maghribia" said the solemn entry of Algerian ministers and army officers in the Moroccan town of Tifariti, some kilometres away from Smara “is not only a provocation towards Morocco but also a challenge to the UNSG, his personal envoy and to Minurso” (Un mission in the Sahara).
The Algeria daring is reminiscent of the adventure of the Algerian army in 1976 which had attempted to hold positions inside the Moroccan territory and install a Polisario base, the daily said.
"Al Haraka" daily said the mobilisation of the Moroccan media inside and out of the country helped thwart the Algerian attempt to legitimise the SADR festivities in the buffer strip and at the same time ruin the “ideal” image of itself, Polisario wanted to sell with the help of Algeria.