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Sunday, April 28, 2024
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the Chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (Corcas), Mr. Khallihenna Ould Errachid, gave an interview to Sam Menassa, moderator of the debate programme "All Directions" (Al Jihat Al Arbaa)by the satellite channel Al Hurra. 

Sam Menassa programme is a roundtable debate programme whose guests provide insights and analyses on a news topic. It is broadcast every Friday at 6: 00 pm GMT and rebroadcast in the following days.

  The interview with Corcas chairman, which focused on the latest development of the Sahara issue will be aired in the context of this progamme.

   The chairman’s interview with Alhura TV


Presenter: good afternoon, the Western Sahara conflict which lasts over three decades still preoccupies the kingdom of Morocco, and this confirms what, more than one observer, says that the war is forbidden, even if peace is very difficult.

 The Sahara crisis is the subject of this interview with the chairman of Royal Advisory council for Saharan affairs, with whom we will talk in his office in Rabat.
 To start with, welcome Mr Chairman to Al Hurra channel, in this special interview, and thank you for your hospitality.

 The first question that comes to the audience’s mind, the name of the council indicates that it is not an executive one, but rather advisory, knowing that it represents large number of Sahraouis, why is it advisory?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid :  before the word advisory , there is a word  royal, which means that it is advisory  to  the king, which reflects , of course , its weigh and its value, because it helps his majesty in matters of consultation . Before being advisory, it is a royal council, with all the meaning surrounding this sentence in terms of prestige, value, weigh, and decision.

  Presenter: Mr Chairman, what you have said ….

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid  : and this  is not in contradiction with  the statute of other councils , which were instituted  to work  with  the king , and which have equally a legal meaning in terms of representation .

 Presenter: and the decision making?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  but at the same time Corcas represents sahraoui citizen, in conformity with the Arab recognized traditions based mainly on the fraction and the tribe.

 Presenter: I would like to go back to the question that i have asked at the beginning, whatever difficulties to instore   peace, war is forbidden, do you agree with this idea?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: exactly, I totally agree that whatever the difficulties facing  peace , and whatever the obstacles, the war is not possible , because we have experienced the war , which  came up with no positive result in this issue ,  the war becomes now impossible , i  totally agree with this thesis .

 Presenter: during the last general conference, the polisario said that if there is no settlement of the dispute it may go back to hold arms. This conference which took place in an area considered by Morocco to be free of military bases, and anything else of the sort .

  According to some information, aren’t you afraid that the possibility of going back to war is probable?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: no, first of all the outcome of the Polisario’s last conference

 Presenter: we are talking about December

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid : about 18th of  last December is , is nothing but a propaganda , if i may say so , to exhort money from  the international community and more precisely the united nations . for the time being  does not possess any human nor material means to launch a war , on one hand , on the other hand ,in order to start of the ground a war the Polisario needs the Algerian green light, and we  don’t believe ….. …..

 Presenter: ….may be it will not launch the war first, but will start to equip itself with arms, and occupy the zones ….

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: no, the rearmament can not be done without the Algerian approval, first of all …

 Presenter: yes …

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: because the Polisario front, to remind you, is hundred per cent an hostage of the Algerian decision-making, because Polisario exists on the Algerian territory, and receive only what it comes to it from Algeria.

 Presenter: you are depriving them from being Sahraouis

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:   no, no, the Polisario front is composed of Sahraouis and they are cousins and brothers, but their organisation is a hundred per cent an Algerian auxiliary, from the geography, and decision points of view, and even in terms of the diplomatic, political and material existence. . This is the reality, it is not a political judgement, it is a description of the reality. They can not arm themselves but through Algeria, so if Algiers decides to provide them with arms….. they can not undertake training only if Algeria allows  it. They can not have at their disposal no mean ….

 Presenter: the negotiation should be done with Algiers?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: no

 Presenter   : so, as long as the decision lies somewhere else, what is the use?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: But Algeria has a double standard position, Algiers says that is not part of the Sahara issue and we approve this Algerian position which has no interest in this affair, because the Sahara issue is a Moroccan affair, but Algiers supports a number  of Moroccans  , ,meaning that we  can consider that it is an historical Algerian interference in the Moroccan home affairs . And we try to stop this interference amicably, i.e. we negotiate with the Polisario as a Moroccan opposition, and it is natural that we negotiate with them in order to convince them that the solution does exist. And we ask Algeria to stop what it used to do, and helps us to allow Polisario to reach an agreement.

 Presenter:  there will be negotiations during this month

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: the next 4th round

 Presenter: in March

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: at Manhasset 

 Presenter: At Manhasset, near New York, the previous round was a failure, and we are afraid that the March session will be a failure, have you got this feeling? Aren’t you scared that the next round will be like the previous one?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid   : no, concerning the Sahara issue, we can not see things either black or white, it is true that the previous three rounds have not achieved any concrete results, a spectacular progress, but they were  a progress.

 Presenter: in what way there was a progress? What are the issues we may say that they have known a progress?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid   : the first progress is the fact that parties are negotiating, this is as such is a progress according to the international criteria.

 Presenter: That is right, this avoids war and conflict.

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  this avoids war, conflict, and reduces any useless tension; secondly we are talking about solutions put on the table

 Presenter: we are going to talk about this subject

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid  : in other hand , the issue was before the opening of negotiations in the dead- end , there was no action from Morocco ,  Polisario ,  Algeria nor from  the UN . We were in the dead-end before the opening of the process of negotiations .so for me if these negotiations have reached no spectacular progress, they have …..

 Presenter: calmed the spirits ……

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: I wanted to say, they have permitted to everybody to reach a conclusion which imposes itself, no aim  can be reached, apart through negotiations. a protagonist can become a radical as to a position , or take a  non credible position, but all parties in the UN which supervise these negotiations  :Algeria , Mauritania ,  the Polisario front ,  the Kingdom of Morocco ,  the international community, all of them made it clear that negotiations are necessary . So for me personally, this as such constitutes a positive action. I can not then consider that everything is black in terms of the negotiation sessions

Presenter: the interest of negotiations without a big hope incites research groups on the international crises, which published recently a report, saying that a non wanted peace by the two parties is more expensive than to maintain the status quo. They estimate that the cost of a conflict is less high than the one of a non wanted solution

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: it is really a bizarre thesis

Presenter:  to maintain the status quo, if we can not reach a satisfactory solution, is less costly than a non wanted solution

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: in my view, this is the current Algerian position, this thesis is Algerian

 Presenter: is this thesis Algerian?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: Algerian, this means that if I do not get the secession  of the Sahara , I ‘d prefer to maintain the present situation, which is no state of war , no state of peace , but this will have  negative consequences on Algeria, on us , the region , the international community and the Sahraouis .

 We have already experienced the status quo during more than the third of the last century, over 33 years, this can not be positive, because we have mortgaged the Maghreb.

 Presenter: the first victim is the Arab Maghreb

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: yes, the Arab Maghreb

 Presenter: the first victim

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: yes the first victim including the consequences on development, stability, democracy, and the public security. The Arab Maghreb is not a simple word, it has consequences on the Maghreb area from Nouakchott to Benghazi and on the appearance if the western wing of the Arab world as a centre of stability and the civilisation influence and development opposite the giants which are facing us: the European union and the USA, which are at the same time our neighbours. So I do not agree with this thesis, which is exactly what we are experiencing now, on the contrary the price of the absence of of a solution is very high

 Presenter: very high for Morocco and Algeria?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: for Algeria too, for all the countries, terrorism we are undergoing now …..

 Presenter: we will discuss this point now

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  the appearance of terrorism, as real big structure which is based in the region, and which threatens the world, the stability and development, is in partly consequences of the non solution

 Presenter: I would like to ask you this question later on, but as you have started and talked about this point, so ….. Morocco fears terrorism, everybody knows that, Algeria too fears terrorism and pays the price of it  since more than …..

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: 15 years

 Presenter: this has led to a civil war which ends now, but Algeria still knows Terrorist operations, do you fear terrorism? But why Algeria does not fear terrorism when it comes to the Polisario?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: because they have not taken into account that things will develop this way, Algiers did not foresee to experience the situation which it underwent between 1991 and 1992, it did not foresee that terrorism will appear again with a new method, despite the Algerian national reconciliation

 Presenter: with new objectives …

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: ….. with new objectives which has nothing to do with elections, nor with  the political system, but a change of the entire situation , the appearance of Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb , particularly in the region where the Polisario front exists, in the frontiers between  the South west of Algeria and the  north of Mauritania and Mali,  was not taken into consideration by Algeria , a region which becomes an international refuge of drugs and all kinds of  smuggling arms ,, human beings . An international outlaw area.

 Presenter: this means, even if we move a bit away from the subject, what is it to do with the Sahara issue?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:   it is linked

 Presenter: as we are talking of this issue, is there any coordination of intelligence between Morocco and Algeria, in order to supervise this area or to fight against terrorism, so it does not overflow from this region to Morocco and Algeria?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: not in this region

 Presenter: concerning the issue of terrorism as a whole

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  ties between Morocco and Algeria  if I may express myself are normal

 Presenter: cold

Khalihenna Ould Errachid: no, normal, I prefer normal, they do not reach the level needed of both neighbouring countries of the Maghreb Arab, we have common interests, but they are not up to standard, if they were, the cooperation would be more important, closer, more efficient and large, than what it is now, but we can not qualified it as being cold relations
There are relations, we have an embassy in Algeria, and Algeria has an embassy here, we meet together within the framework of Maghreb Arab, in a low level, we meet within the framework of 5+5 with the European Union, we converse, not at the level of south

 Presenter: the coordination to fight terrorism is today a component of relations between countries cooperate in terms of intelligence …

 Khlihenna Ould Errachid: on one hand, it is a must that there is a kind of cooperation between Morocco and Algeria, members of 5+5 i.e.:  the Mediterranean European countries and the Maghreb Arab countries, but it remains incomplete and not at the required level, with the persistence of the Sahara conflict and the sealing off the frontiers

 Presenter : I will get back to the  to the relation with Algeria later on , but now let us go back to the issue of Sahara and the proposed solutions, why does Morocco refuse referendum of  self-determination
 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: for objective reasons

 Presenter:  which are ….?

Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  the method of consultation which was chosen by the UN for such referendum is unique of its kind based on the identification. So it is not only a referendum

 Presenter: …. So there is a problem of identification …..

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: there is no problem to institute the referendum, but there is one about the identification, when we talk about  identification of Sahrouis, we engage in a labyrinth left by the colonialism, it is the frontiers inherited from the colonization

 Presenter: it is a second point, there is an issue of identification, the one concerning frontiers and the officialization of these frontiers

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid  : yes , there are two main points , because of the absence of reasonable exits, to carry out  a final referendum ; The UN  for 10 years from 1991 to 2001 carried out an unique process , of a higher level , it has consulted all specialists known in the world in this subject , in order to incite a college of necessary voters .

 Presenter: but Morocco has not yet given its approval in this respect.

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: because of the following objective reasons: sahraouis live in Morocco, but also in Algeria, Mauritania and Mali, iam saying this publicly so everybody listens to it. That is why we can not organize a referendum based on the identification unless we put together the whole historical territory of Sahraouis, and the historical Sahraoui inhabitants.

 Presenter: you have talked about the procedure, I asked you about the procedure of identification …

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: … why the referendum did not

 Presenter: precisely, you say that Morocco agrees on the referendum, Algeria requires referendum, but the problem is the identification, looking for a consensus about a new procedure …

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: there is no miracle in this issue

 Presenter: why?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: because frontiers should be changed, to carry out a referendum according to he international criteria, ie : democratic, free and just .

 Presenter: representing all concerned …

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid… Which allows sahraouis to make up their minds, this referendum is about self-determination, it does concern a particular category, but self-determination requires a legal necessary basis. in order to carry out such impossible referendum, we have to make changes in  terms of frontiers, and add to the western Sahara  part of the Algerian territory, which is basically a sahraoui land, add  part of the Mauritanian territory and also part of Malian territory , to be able to organize this referendum , this is obviously impossible .

 Presenter:  this is impossible …

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: it is impossible, because the African continent is funded since 1963 on frontiers inherited from the colonialism. If you touch a bit of frontiers in Africa, they will collapse; it is like the Domino game

 Presenter: ok, referendum is difficult

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: no, impossible

 Presenter: impossible

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: let us agree with each other, referendum based on identification

 Presenter: at the end, Morocco refuses the method of referendum as it is proposed now, because identification is impossible

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: The UN saythat technically speaking is impossible

 Presenter:  let finish up this point, and let us move to the autonomy, you recommend autonomy, Polisario refuses this proposal, and some say that Polisario refuses the autonomy because it wants more concessions from Morocco. Concessions which concern a number of questions among them, there may be some natural wealth, or may be security, army ….. Briefly autonomy with substantial powers, is Morocco willing to accept this, or will be a subject of negotiations?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: let us agree upon the concepts

 Presenter: three things: the natural wealth, security and autonomy with substantial powers

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  ok, firstly, we have to point out that the international community, including the Security Council, has changed the procedure which was in force before, from 1975 to April 2007. When   to the Security Council adopted a new resolution, resolution 1754, which became the basis of the new approach, that has nothing to do with the search of the impossible referendum, It said that parties have to reach a political solution which satisfies everybody by means of negotiation and dialogue. This is the new resolution, and Morocco agrees with everything happening in this framework, that is why it has presented a courageous, open and democratic initiative which contains all claims you mentioned.

 Presenter: what are the limits of the autonomy?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: substantial, let us talk about it, Morocco says that this proposed intiative is subject to negotiations, i.e.: it is open to amendments and widening within the framework of the concept of autonomy according to the international criteria.

 What is autonomy? It means that the state gives up part of its powers on part of its territory in some fields, this is autonomy, it is autonomy in force in our Spanish neighbour, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Italy and in all countries.

 Presenter: federalists…

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  we may say something like that, but not exactly a federation, Spain is not a federation, Spain which knows the biggest and most important type of autonomy is not a federalist state. It is a kingdom which has a constitution and these latter points out the powers

 The Moroccan initiative is based on these criteria, exclusives powers for the region of Sahara, substantial powers, institutions which could practise their powers, a government, a parliament, high judiciary authority, security…. Claims that we...

 Presenter….we say?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: they say that the Polisario has made this remark, but this exists now, and the negotiations allow the Polisario to enlarge its powers, it can be done and negotiate this enlargement.

 Presenter: is it possible for the security to possess certain force which can be close to an army

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: let us agree, security contains two aspects ….

 Presenter: interior and exterior

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: security which is an integral part of the sovereignty, can not be subject of negotiation

 Presenter: is the natural wealth subject of negotiation?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: Iam going to talk to you of what is going to remain in terms of the powers of the state, and the powers granted to the region of Autonomy. The State will keep the foreign policy, the national defence, i.e.: land water and air frontiers. The state will keep also the currency, stamps, in addition to what is within the powers of the HM the king, concerning the religious field, the unity of the doctrine, and Fatwa which are in the Amir Al Mouminine’s powers n Morocco

 Presenter: it is an important affair

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: it is a fundamental question, but except for that the rest is

Presenter: and the wealth ?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: let us talk about the wealth

 Presenter:  we estimate that there is natural wealth

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: what is the wealth to be shared, the negotiation depends on that

 Presenter: let us move to another question, in the heart of the autonomy? Let us suppose that there is an agreement on this project. Don’t you consider that it is going to threaten the Moroccan unity, especially Berbers could claim what the Sahraouis have gained, and would like to achieve the same thing, what do you have to say about that?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  no

 Presenter: If we start by the Sahara, why not move to the Berbers and threaten the Moroccan unity?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: not at all, because before the presentation of this project, HM the king has asked the national political parties which represent all  Moroccan people , to give their views about the autonomy in the Sahara . All historical and modern parties have given their approval in this respect. There is then unanimity of the whole Moroccan population on the fact that autonomy concerns specifically the Sahara conflict and its solution. it is exclusively devoted to the Sahara issue , while the other regions will benefit of what we call the decentralization or the substantial  regionalization in the administrative , economic and social fields . This system is currently in its first step , and will be enlarged in the future,  So the question of autonomy is not new , is in fact the right going back to its people
 The Sahara before the colonization era i.e. before 1912, when the protectorate was imposed on Morocco enjoys the autonomy, because of its Sahraoui nature, and because of its geographic position which is far away from the capitals of the kingdom Marrakech, fez, Rabat, and because it had since a long time links with the kings of Morocco, these are national links, but when it comes to the local management the Sahara enjoyed the autonomy

 Presenter: before we move to the next theme, there is a question about the ability of the United states to put pressure on Morocco about the Western Sahara issue,  we know that you  enjoy good relations with the USA . Rabat and Washington enjoy privileged ties

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: yes

 Presenter: will the USA be able to put pressure about the Sahara issue? And to what extent?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:   The United States is a big power which has international responsibilities. it is linked with Morocco  with friendship and an historical alliance, Morocco is the first country  have recognized its  independence

 Presenter: to have recognized the States?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid  : yes , it is Sultan Mohammed ben Abdellah who sent a letter to  Georges Washington , this letter is  in the congress building ; So we have historical links which are not related  to the Sahara issue . This recognition was done by Morocco before the protectorate, i.e. : Morocco of which frontiers were still authentic, and include the Sahara .. We are linked to the USA as we are linked to members of the Maghreb, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Mauritania. The USA and the European union want a solution to the Sahara conflict through peaceful negotiations, the USA have declared and act by saying that the  Moroccan initiative is credible ,serious and the appropriate solution to the issue .

 Presenter you have told me before that the settlement of the frontiers issue with Algeria means that the settlement of the Sahara issue ……………;;;;;;
 Some believe that the solution of the problem of frontiers between Algeria and Morocco is half way, 50 to 60 per cent; towards the solution of the Sahara problem what do you make out of this?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid:  there are no problems with Algeria about frontiers, there was a problem before 1992, but late King Hassan II has ratified the tracing of the frontiers which took place before Ifran and Telemcan agreements, so there are no problems of frontiers. The only problem is the one about the frontiers which are closed and we want them open.

 Presenter: there are some who say that Algeria would like to have access to the Atlantic

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid: I have heard that, a long time ago

 Presenter:   is there any possibility to make a proposal in order to solve this issue, save the relation  between the two counties, and find a way put to the Sahara  conflict , I do not want……….but the problem of Sahara will be easier to solve if Algiers possesses an access to the Atlantic

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid : it is correct, there is an agreement signed by Morocco and Algeria which gives to Algiers an opening to the ocean , through the tow of tan tan for the exportation of  the mine of iron of  gart jbilat , in tindouf .

 Presenter: it will be under the authority of whom?

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid : non , if we talk about granting  Algiers a piece of land which will be under its sovereignty  , for an opening on the Atlantic , this is not possible , because Algeria says that it has no revendication over the Sahara

 Presenter: it says ……

 Khalihenna Ould Errachid :  people are committed by what they say , Algeria as a nation which has known  a revolution , and as a respected state says that publicly to its people and to the humanity as a whole , so if it wants an opening to the sea in order to export its resources , within the framework of the Arab Maghreb, or a bilateral agreement between Algeria and morocco , we have only to implement it .

So I do not think personally that this is the reason for the current position of Algeria
Interviewer: So what is the reason?
Ould Errachid: I think
Interviewer: The viewer wants to know the reality. What is the reason behind this Moroccan and Algerian dispute and until when?
Ould Errachid: Psychological complex, I think, can be ppsychological complex
Interviewer: relations between states are not ppsychological
Ould Errachid: Yes, I believe that the Sahara has become somehow a game in the internal politics of Algeria
Interviewer: internal politics
Ould Errachid: Algerian domestic politics are complex and the parties involved are complex. The Algerian people do not want this Sahara problem and has no interference in this topic. It concerns Algeria’s rulers. Previously, President Chadli Benjdid approved the construction of the Arab Maghreb based on the solution of this problem this is the reason behind the Marrakesh Agreement 89 and construction of the Maghreb. Current rulers did not decide to proceed with this policy
Interviewer: Hoping the return of the Arab Maghreb Union
Ould Errachid: Yes, of course, hoping to achieve that. We want the Maghreb and Algeria wants the Maghreb, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania, and all the peoples of Europe want the Maghreb.  The United States wants the Maghreb, the Arab world, everyone wants the Maghreb…
Interviewer: there was a difference between regimes
Ould Errachid: No. This is not the problem. Morocco did not have a project in terms of giving status to Sahrawis.  This probably could have been a problem. However, Morocco now exceeded this point and introduced autonomy. The subject allows Algeria to contribute to the solution to the Sahara issue in a positive way without prejudice to its honor, dignity or prestige.
So I think today more than ever that all psychological, political, diplomatic and interest conditions are available for all to solve this conflict within negotiations.
Interviewer: Is there any New Moroccan initiative to come?
Ould Errachid: No
Interviewer: We are now at the door of negotiations, as I mentioned I cannot repeat what I said
Ould Errachid: Morocco cannot give more, what is required from us
Interviewer: This is my question is there any possibility of a new Moroccan initiative criticizing deadlock in negotiations
KOE: No I'm telling you as a member of the Moroccan delegation Morocco is superior to all other parties in respect of its own will to move things forward. Morocco is not the obstacle to an agreement; Morocco is not the obstacle in front of the United Nations, the international community to reach a quick solution. The problem now is that the Polisario Front, is inherited from an ancient era. I mean it is a  Marxist-Leninist front with one thought and one party
Interviewer: What is the relationship with the current Algerian regime?
KOE: It is inherited and parts of the Algerian regime did not get rid of the same complex and are still associated with the Polisario Front
We need party that seeks a compromise, a solution without loser or winner and this solution is the one which fits all. I assure you that there is no other solution to the compromise which gives everyone what they want. It will give us sovereignty and maintains the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco. It gives Sahrawis the rights for a genuine autonomy get region out of the the dilemma.
There will be no other solution sooner or later. So whomever who wants to claim something else seeks only to develop the problem for other reasons unrelated to the Sahara issue.
Interviewer: What's the alternative for the solution in your opinion?
KOE: disaster
Interviewer: Alternative solution today is that we came have no solution
KOE: The alternative is disaster, more terrorism and more terrorism incursion in the region, further instability and inability of states to control internal situation. The alternative is a disastrous, the alternative is a disaster
Interviewer: Morocco is prepared for war
KOE: Morocco
Interviewer: (interrupting) not war for military action
KOE: No Morocco will defend its territory the way it defended previously and won’t be a loser
Interviewer: But this work is demanding
KOE: Of course
Interviewer: especially with the current situation
KOE: But who is the offender, the one who brings back war and violence
Interviewer: possible not to war, but rather to military tensions security and military actions
KOE: Morocco is not afraid of war
Interviewer: War may be a serious issue
KOE: Morocco does not want war and did not seek war and before cease-fire entered into negotiations. It submitted a project described by the Security Council unanimously as serious and credible. The great powers, all Islamic and Arab countries, American States and European countries support this solution
Interviewer: Do you hope a change of government in Algeria with a new team could solve the Sahara issue?
KOE: No, the issue of the Sahara cant’ be solved with the current crew
Interviewer: This crew is the current obstacle would it be possible if a new elite may be youth comes to power
KOE: No, the Sahara issue
Interviewer: Or is it locked, whomever in power in Algeria will pursue and continue the same policy.
KOE: No, the Sahara issue is inherited from the era of President Hawari Boumediene not the current president or the current system
Interviewer: Three presidents
KOE: Ok, inherited the current government and the current president can solve the problem of the Sahara within what all want negotiations, put pressure on Polisario Front or give instructions, guidance or tips to enter into serious negotiations to make autonomy exist officially under the United Nations supervision
Interviewer: My last question, can we say that the Algerian role in the Sahara is similar to Syrian role in Lebanon?  
KOE: No, First
Interviewer: I want a frank answer
KOE: No the problem is different. The problems in the Middle East is different from the problems of the Arab Maghreb. First, Lebanon’s territorial integrity is not threatened and there are no armed organizations outside Lebanese territory threatening the unity of Lebanon. This issue…
Interviewer: Syria says the same thing as Algeria about Polisario let’s the Lebanese people agree and we are not concerned  
KOE: Your problem is more complicated. Our problem is clear. We recovered the Sahara, which was colonized by Spain as well as the other parts in the north of Morocco : Tangier Tan-Tan, Tarfaya and Sidi Ifni and in the future Ceuta and Melilla
The Sahara issue was in the past, bigger that Algeria, inherited from the Cold War. We were in the Western side, Algeria, Cuba and Vietnam and their allies. It is a problem inherited from the Cold War without solution so far. We want and hope that God will enlighten everyone to get out of this calamity
Interviewer: We hope the conflict will be solved. Thank you for this exciting interview
KOE: Thank you  
Interviewer: Dear viewers, thank you for watching this special interview. Good bye.

Source: Corcas
-News concerning Western Sahara issue/ Corcas-


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