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Friday, May 17, 2024
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The Moroccan people commemorate Wednesday, November 18, in joy and pride, the 60th anniversary of independence, flagship event which is the occasion to commemorate the triumph of the will of the Throne and people to free themselves from colonialism.

The celebration of this milestone in the contemporary history of the Kingdom means an opportunity to pay tribute to the struggle led by the glorious Alawite throne, the nation and their strenuous efforts to lay the groundwork for an independent, modern, united and supportive Morocco.

Real moment of communion of the whole nation, this anniversary gives acclaim to the courageous struggle of a people united behind the Sovereign, whose detonator was the Revolution of the King and the People, August 20, 1953, as it allows new generations enjoy full extent of their sacrifice to free themselves from the yoke of colonialism and the recovery of Morocco's independence in 1955.

The Independence Day also helps to pay tribute to the father of the nation, late King Mohammed V who, by his steadfast faith, showed unwavering determination and exemplary dedication to the cause of people, managed to carry the Kingdom into a new era, signifying the victory of law over injustice and dignity of enslavement.

Acting in symbiosis with the throne to defend sacred national values, the unshakable will of the nation prevailed over the perfidious designs of the colonizers who ignored that exiling the symbol of the nation, the late King Mohammed V and the royal family, triggered patriotism of Moroccans and hastened the end of their presence in the Kingdom.

"We are delighted to announce the end of trusteeship and protectorate and the advent of freedom and independence," said the late Sovereign November 18, 1955 at his return from exile . "We went from the battle from the small jihad to that of the great Jihad", continued Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Youssef.

Real roadmap, the first speech of independence made by the late King Mohammed V in front of a jubilant people, reaffirmed the commitment of the Nation in the process of building a modern and open Morocco.

With independence, the Moroccan people engaged in nation-building effort to build a free Morocco who could easily make its place in the pantheon of nations, led by the father of the nation and a worthy successor, the late King Hassan II, who confirmed the orientations based on democracy, political pluralism and economic liberalism.

After the establishment of the site's economic and social development after independence, King Mohammed VI, worthy successor to the late King Hassan II and the late King Mohammed V, laid the foundations for economic modernization and the Kingdom the consecration of democracy and citizenship values.
During the reign of King Mohammed VI in fact, the symbiotic relationship and communion between the throne and the people consolidateed the service of preserving national achievements and promoting socio-economic development, as part Morocco of institutions and democracy.
The Moroccan people, celebrating this glorious anniversary rich in symbols and values, reiterates its unwavering position of general mobilization and total adherence to great events initiated in defense of the territorial integrity of Morocco and opening values, moderation and dialogue.
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