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Saturday, September 21, 2024
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A delegation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS) is taking part in the 15th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), held in Geneva from September 13 to October 1.

Moulay Ahmed M'ghizlat and Saadani Maalainine will denounce before the CHR and their contacts with various delegations and NGOs participating in this session, violations of human rights in Tindouf camps and dramatic living conditions endured by the populations sequestered in these camps.

The delegation will denounce, before the Council as well as in their contacts with various participating delegations and NGOs, the human rights violations in the Tindouf camps (southwest of Algeria) and the tragic living conditions endured by the population detained in the camps.

Ahmed M'ghizlat, member of the delegation, told MAP-Geneva that the delegation will explain the autonomy proposal for the southern provinces, adopted unanimously by CORCAS members, who represent all the components of the Sahrawi population concerned.

This proposal, which is a final solution to the Sahara conflict, has been welcomed by international bodies and influential countries, he said.

M'ghizlat added that the autonomy initiative also enjoys the support of the populations detained in the camps.

For her part, Ms. Saadani participated in a panel, organized alongside the work of the CHR, in which she denounced the violations of human rights in Tindouf camps and stressed the climate of confidence and hope created by the autonomy proposal in the southern provinces in Tindouf camps, where people continue to adhere to the proposal.

Source: MAP
News and events concerning Western Sahara issue/ Corcas


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