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Friday, July 26, 2024
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The Secretary-General of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs Mr. Maoulainain Ben Khalihenna Maoulainain held talks on Tuesday in Brussels, with senior Belgian officials

The Secretary General of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs met with Diplomatic Adviser to the Prime Minister of Belgium Mr. Guy Verhofstadt, Assistant Director of the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Karel De Ghosh, who was accompanied by the Director of the Middle East and North Africa and UN Department officials.

During these meetings, Mr Maoulainain outlined to his interlocutors the functions of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, as well as its powers and its contributions to the development process in the southern provinces under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and also the Council's role in the preparation of the Moroccan proposal to grant the southern provinces autonomy.

He highlighted the momentum created by the Moroccan proposal presented recently to the United Nations, noting that this initiative, which responds to the aspirations of theSaharan population, is the only way for the final settlement to the problem of the Sahara.

Maoulainain’s talks in Brussels was also an occasion to highlight the ongoing development process in the southern regions under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and the climate of freedom and peace of mind in the region.

The Secretary-General of the Royal Consultative Council for Saharan Affairs mentioned the position of Algeria, and the need to help in a final solution to this conflict, by adopting a neutral and positive attitude.

Corcas Secretary General told MAP after these meetings, that the Belgian officials followed with great interest the presentation of the Moroccan delegation, and expressed their willingness to assist in finding a final solution to the Sahara issue.

He noted that his interlocutors received positively the Moroccan initiative to negotiate autonomy in the Sahara, expressing the readiness of Belgium, non-permanent member of the Security Council since January, to carry out a positive role in resolving this problem.

Declaration by Mr. Secretary-General in Brussels

"We explained to them that the problem is political. We explained that the problem is Moroccan - Moroccan between  Moroccans who think of something other than national unity, and Moroccans unionists constituting the majority "


Statement by Mr. Roland de Vevey Francois Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense at the Belgian Senate

I think it is essential for the parties concerned to take the time required for consultation and discussion. What is important is the outcome of negotiations awaited by the international community which is peace in the region.

Statement by Dennis Dhikarm Belgian MP

"We hope that within the Belgium reform movement which is a member of the world liberal movement that Belgium supports the Moroccan initiative which seems to us more realistic and enforceable matching the expectations of the parties concerned in this region of Morocco. It is time to recognize the Moroccan effort to end this issue"

   Source: MAP


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